W1ck3d Tr1ck 2nd Forgehub Map [Gravedigger] * This Is a Lazy Map* Top Chruch Right Side Of Graveyard Left Side Of Graveyard Storage Room Truck and Portway Top Tower Stair Way Up To Top Tower Ammo Room Enjoy! Speical Thanks To MLG Ninja Will Be Making v2
First of all it needs a description and second of all it is a Cool map but it really isnt too original. 3/5
About the last part what is up with you people about orignal; it doesn't have to be ''Original'' i dont know how to get the download thing on here ima noob to Forgehub.
if you look at the Stairway and the Church you might just see interlocking. lol ill will be making a v2.
I am not blinded I just simply cannot see it. And take my idea and take more photos of the interior. gosh....
Whatever that is the most pictures i could of taken if i took more people do some **** and say '' Too Many Picutes'' kind of **** so yeah and i dont give a **** about this noob ass Forgehub site BAN ME PLEASE dumbasses all i got to do is make a motherfucking new account
Looks pretty sweet and evan though I hate infection it looks like fun. The aesthletics are great specifically talking about the truck thats fliped over. My only suggestion would be to add a third floor to the map barrier because with 2 easy grenade jumps you can escape.
Wow just because you get some feedback that does not appeal to you does not mean that you can just swear freely. That will not help you in the working world as you grow older. Every other boss that you will have will be a jerk but you cant just say F*** you and keep working. Goodbye and good ridden. I should also say good luck in the future.
Why dont you just think about what I said and then try to incorporate it in your daily life. Sleep on it and I am logging off. Goodbye and good ridden. I should also say good luck in the future.
dude your like a ****ing 15 17 year old you dont even know me and your puting the basics down over a ****ing forged map. wow
From what I read, you went over board first. Please refrain from swearing because we do have young kids on this site. People have just given you some constructive criticism and you haven't been able to take it. Most of the maps on forgehub are about making them better from the criticism you get. So if you can't take it, don't bother coming back here.
See thats were I am coming from, you can't take anything. Forgehub is about constructive criticism and or if the map is already outstanding it will get featured on the main page.