Forgehub Community Achievements Contest Prize: Honor, satisfaction, gloating privledges, I don't have money, sorry. Map Submission Form: Must be filled out for each map seperatly, multiple forms can be placed in one post. If you fullfill an achievement that you didn't post in the achievements attempting at section, it doesn't count. Unless of course it's a never been revealed secret. Map Name and Download Link: Achievments Attempting At: Why it fullfills achievements requirements and where to look if more hidden: New Achievement Submission Form: For point Value I will change if it does not fit, leave blank if you trust me. Name: Point value: Way to Obtain: Why it Works: Basic Rules Must be at least competitive. Must be created today or later, anytime today that is. Must be created by you. *If you want to join just say so and I'll add your name to the list* I pose to the community a new contest, where versitility helps you win. I make it fair as well, posing challenges for easy and harder difficulties. The idea of this contest is I'm creating challenges. Achievements if you will. Each challenge you succeed, I will give a set number of points given on difficulty. This is where the name Achievements comes in. The person who has the highest score at the end of the Contest wins. In a tie, there will be a forge-off between the challengers. Then the community will vote for the better map. Call this the FCAC. Another note, you can only get each achievement once. Seeing as some people may get all the achievements I can come up with. I pose one more task of the community, that already solves an achievement worth 5 points. Submit a logical achievement, and have it accepted. If many people join this contest, I will higher judges to help me, I will decide when I need them though, as I do have a lot of spare time. One final note: each achievement requires a map made around it. You can fullfill multiple achievements at one time. Secret Achievements will be revealed when fullfilled. All maps must be of the competitive type, but can be made anywhere unless stated elsewhere in the achievement. One last rule, all maps submitted must have been made on or past todays date. Have Fun! Map Submission Form: Must be filled out for each map seperatly, multiple forms can be placed in one post. If you fullfill an achievement that you didn't post in the achievements attempting at section, it doesn't count. Unless of course it's a never been revealed secret. Achievments: Bonus: 1. Creative Mind: Submit an achievement idea and have it accepted: 5 points 2. Make Me Rich: Send an infinite $ check that you can afford to me. Phone me at 555-5555. I need to recieve at least $1,000,000,000,000 in legal tender for it to count: Insta Win [title=Post the word pedunkle anywhere in a post, doesn't have to be in a sentence to get it]3. Secret:[/title] 4. Secret: 5. Secret: 6. Where are we?: Make an out of a map map: 5 points Easy: 1. The Old Switcharoo: Make a map using a switch: 5 points 2. Do You Want Downloads or Not: Make a map using interlocking: 5 points 3. Melted:Make a map using geomerging: 5 points 4. CQB: Create a Close Combat Map: 5 points 5. BR's Revenge: Create a long range Map: 5 points. 6. Symmetricalal: Make a symmetrical Map: 5 points. 7. Asymmetricalal: Make an asymmetrical Map: 6 points. 8. I Believe I Can Fly!: Make an object float in your map: 5 points. Normal: 8. BOOM Headshot: Create a map with the Sniper (or beam rifle) as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 9. Slice and Dice: Create a map with the Sword as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 10. It's a Legitimate StrategyCreate a map with the Shotgun as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 11. Halo's Noob Tube: Create a map with the Rocket Launcher as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 12. It's Hammer Time: Create a map with the Gravity Hammer as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 13. I'm Chargin Me Lasers: Create a map with the Spartan Laser as the sole power weapon, and keep balance: 7 points 14. Noobs Nightmare: Create a map where there are no standard power weapons listed above, and one standard weapon is the power weapon, such as needler: 10 points 15. Double Trouble: Make a map where there are two power weapons listed above, and remains balanced: 12 points 16. Third's Times the Charm: Make a map where there are three weapons listed above, and remains balanced: 15 points 17. Asysymmetricalal: Create a map that plays both asymmetrical and symmetrical gametypes well: 15 points 18. Take That Spawn Campers!!1!: Make a map that prevents spawn camping: 15 points 19. The Power's On: 10 points: Make a map where shield doors can be used to camp, but there is an efficient way to dispatch the camper while looking at him or her. 20. I Make Boom Boom's: Make a map using fusion coils that are placed in strategic locations: 5 points 21. Never Change: Make a map that is highly compatible with all standard gametypes: 10 points Hard: 1. I Thought You Said You Wouldn't Change The Map: Make a map where geography changes depending on asymmetrical or symmetrical: 20 points 2. M4d H4X00R 5ki11z: Create a balanced map, using all of the power weapons listed: 30 points 3. Honey, I Blew Up the Map: Make a map where new sections appear over time, without teleporters or ways to access early with a grenade jump. And you can't go underground with it in place: 25 points 4. Checklist: Make a balanced map using all weapons available one time, excluding turrets, missle pods, flamethrowers, and non bungie map used items such as sentinal beams. Each weapon can only be used once. "Hint: FFA or Asymmetrical": 35 points 5. I Get Mongoose Mowdown Now. And Ghost, Warthog and Chopper Mowdown Too!: Make a map that uses all vehicles in a foundry map, except wraith and chopper. Chopper's optional. Must be balanced: 35 Points 6. Win: Simply win the contest: 1,000,000,000 bonus points. Note: points are useless after you win. 7. What the...: Use movable object geomerging: 20 points Contest Ends August 30'th List of contestants, points, and achievements obtained: Darkdragon: 0 points Bloumbas: 0 points Killnon2: 5 points: Bonus:1 Browniekillyou: 0 points AlienvsBon: 0 points
i guess ille try, so whats my first task hey you should make a freeforums site for this, but make it a community and have ranks of it and stuff like that, a contset with limited time wont be a lot of fun, but a forum for this would
pretty cool idea, whats the idea for an achievement Make a map with a unique switch, then send it to Bloumbas, and give him credit for it.
You choose what achievements you want to fullfill like in a real game. I might make the contest longer, but I have school. Very funny Bloumbas. The prize is honor, and the idea you can forge faster than other people. I don't have any money to spend. Maybe some rep, but I don't add much. And it belongs in forge discussion, because like the Lazy Mapmakers Competition, it's a map making contest. And if you need fileshare space I'll PM you when I finish looking at your map so you can delete it if you want.
i will do #1, #2 (easy), #5 (easy), #14 (normal, but don't know if counts since it carbine) and #15 (normal) all in 1 map: It was created today suggestion: Make a map with floating: 5 points another suggest: Make an out of a map map: 10 points 1 last one: Make a good movie makers map: 5 points Also: make it you win rep too
Killnon, I'll take the suggestion, here's five points, but two problems. One I said the map has to have a date on the created part saying after today. Two, There are multiple 1's, 2's, and 5's, It would help if you said in which section, hard, bonus, and stuff like that that it's in. And I read your post. I'm adding a rule, only submit your own maps.
oh and by the way, i have a close combat map, the brink, a long range map, bad posture, a interlocked and geomerged map, bad posture, a map with two power weapns, Texture, no spawn camping, Texture, i make boom boom, to bed posted, though i think i have some, somewhere, all standard gametypes, bad posture, As for now, i believe im winning.
What does the winner get? Here are close quarters map!
If you post on topic here from now on I'm going to say your in the contest, in your post say you aren't if you aren't. There is no prize, and I moved the submission forms uptop. Killnon, I added your out of map one, but made it a 5, because you just have to save changes alot. I didn't do the movie one, because it would have to be a competitive arena so a movie set would be tough to add, and b I'm not one to judge if somethings a movie set or not.
Um... what is the point of this? I would join but I don't think I have enough time and I don't know how I would porve I did any of this...