I really dont know how this happened.1 second i wassnt looking at the screen and i kept the game playing, when i got back i saw white grass.In case you think i cheated with this picture and photoshoped it, heres the download link and here is the acual picture:
The grass is magic and can change color at will he just happen to catch it in the act. That or what boom star said.
i dont really know what happened, i wasnt looking at the screen, then i did look and then i saw white grass
theres a link to bungie in the description. Ive had this on my fileshare for quite some time. if it was modded, i would have been banned from fileshare activitys, off xboxlive for a month, and nbo more matchingmaking. Last time i check, i play matchmaking this mourning.
Dang that is awesome! The only thing that I think could of happen is somebody's white armor reflected on the grass and made it white... Nice find!
Wow it looks like a type of brush on GIMP or Photoshop! Very nice find and good job on putting the bungie link up straight away ! Good job! =]