What do you guys think about the idea of have a 1 time use airstrike that drops about 10 fusion coils on a small enclosed map. Do you think It would be annoying or funny, would it cause any lag? I just dont want to put this on a map and completely ruin so i need opinions
Good luck getting it to be one time only. I don't think there would be any issues regarding lag or anything like that, but it would be really annoying, and would definitely not be allowed in any MLG setting...
oh its easy to make it one time only, and no its not going to be mlg i just dont feel like getting flamed for this
So long as you incorporate it well into your map design and gameplay, I think you'll be fine. Don't worry so much about being flamed, either. This is the internet - it's not going to have any effect on you if you get flamed. Oh, and if I haven't said it before, welcome to ForgeHub. ^_^
Kayaman showed me his rough first concept for this awhile back. Though he didn't know how to make it work just once (or in my case, 10 seconds) I can do this, and use an equipment for a remote control to activate it, the only thing is that I am still working on the concept to make the equipment I force to spawn, disappear.
I love timed events like this! I once played on a map that had an orbital MAC strike, a dumpster flying out of nowhere to destroy a wall of crates and open up more areas of the map. you might even try to make an event out of it, the air strike blowing up a secret door or something... all in all, a good idea. ^_^
coyote thats precisly what im doing is remote activating with equipment, gonna experiment using a resetable min max with the equipment that doesnt actually work like a resetable min max its kind of confusing, im even confusing myself just typing this. but getting flame = less downloads
Yeah it would be cool if it fit in with the map... Like if it was a random theme with a random airstrike then no... Make it war themed or something