This was my second TGIF, and it was a blast. I had a really great time playing Duck Hunt with all of you guys, even Eyeless Sid who had 42 points on Duck Hunt. Lost Chambers was pretty cool too. Best by far though was Snow Mice for me. Truly a classic. Here are some screen shots I took. Playing Jenga with me trying to knock the tower over and failing miserably. Me lasering Sid on Hobo Showers Getting knocked off course by a stray fusion coil that Tex managed to push in front of me..... It's Tex The Unicorn!!! Sorry Tex, I had to put this one in there...... Tex, White Hawk or White Rhino as he is called, devon3304 or something like that and me sniping on Jenga. Supernaut living up to his name by launching himself in the air on a mongoose.... Playing Purple Monsters.....Purple Rain! Purple Rain! And finally, me getting creamed by Asper49 playing Tremors. This has been a lot of fun, can't wait to play with you guys again!! I did not effect any of these pictures, I don't really feel the need to.
Another epic party! I got a lotta invites from Vicious Vice but our networks weren't compatible so I couldn't join... =[ I can't wait til i get home and can actually participate in TGIF 14
Your right Supernaut, I saw you go down after that one..... I completely forgot about R & H. He was pissed because of the lag, allowing people to walk through rockets and hammer blasts and stuff. Simply classic.