Cloning in Halo 3 - Matchmaking and Campaign (NO Mods!) *Full Vid*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by buddhacrane, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    So here is the full video release of how to create a clone in Campaign and Matchmaking.

    It is especially cool creating them in Campaign because everyone in your party can see them and the clones last for quite a long time, provided you stay near them.

    In matchmaking only host can see the clone and they don't last very long. In the vid it was funny though because the sniper on the other team was host and tried to kill my clone!


    Vid Link: Here
    redearth likes this.
  2. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Awesome vid, love it when they "dance".
    Lol, funny too when the guy is trying to kill your dead body... Lulz.
  3. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I can imagine, "BOOM heashot! No wait he's still alive! 7 headshots later. HAXOR! Thanks buddah, I'm gonna play a prank on my brother now.
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I just watched it, and i was wondering, why do you keep getting hit untill your shield starts to go Back up again?
  5. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    probably some glitch
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    That's what makes cloning possible. What happens is the vehicle is damaging you, so you're losing health. But a slow moving vehicle is incapable of killing you, so eventually you get to 0 health but you're not dead - I call this the "Suicide State" because you can kill yourself in many amusing and unconventional ways (such as punching a wall).

    You know when you're in the suicide state because your shields will start to recarge, this happens because once you've lost all your health and you're still getting hit by the vehicle you're technically not taking any damage, so after a couple of seconds your shields will begin to recharge despite still being hit by the vehicle. Once this happens you know you're in the suicide state so you can go over to the turret.

    The act of ripping off a turret kills you when you're in the suicide state, just like punching a wall will also kill you. What's unique about killing yourself while ripping off a turret is that you will die at precisley the moment your character model switches from "ripping off a turret" to "holding a turret", because of this, the usual character model switch from "alive person" to "dead person" does not take place. So even though you die, you won't get a normal dead body appearing, instead you get a "clone" - Which is just the "holding a turret" character model.

    Due to the precise nature and timing of the "character model switch" being what creates the clone I believe that is why only host can see it in regular multiplayer. Host works differently in Campaign (everyone shares host) so that's probably why everyone can see the clone in Campaign.

    If all that sounds complicated, it's because it is. All you need to know is "Get hit by vehicle lots of times until shields begin to recharge, run over to turret, rip it off, clone!"
    #6 buddhacrane, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008

    SPAGETTII Ancient
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    haha great find Buddah. that is awesome. I love how that guy thought you were modding. It seems like it would be really difficult in matchmaking though because even if you do it, the host might not ever see the clone. Oh well. good job
  8. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Thanks man! I want to trick my friends with this because they don't have XBL or the new maps so I can totally scare them with this... Thanks buddha! Your rock!

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