POLLS CLOSED!! (The Pentagon) Is the official name!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jjbrich, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. Zandu

    Zandu Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I'm pretty sure that he never once said that he was doing this to "ZOMG GET DOWNLOADZ N REPLIEZ."

    While some people may find the name offensive or threatening, and the Moderators have the right to close the topic or change the name of the topic because of this - nobody has the information to say "He's doing this to get views and/or downloads." You have NO proof that he did it for this reason. He could just be an innocent forum viewer who needed a name and that was one of the things that came to mind.

    I'm not voting either way, I'm just explaining that there's no proof of his intentions for choosing that name. Get some facts or information before you talk. It makes you look a hell of a lot more intelligent when you're shouting about "HE'S DOING IT FOR ATTENTION."
  2. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    Please just lock it. It's pointless to make threads about maps you haven't even made yet anyway.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    In other words, he's saying, "pay attention to this map and this idea." If it seems like I'm all over this guy's topic, it's because there is no reason to announce the release of a map. If the map is good, it will speak for itself. The controversial name just adds to my suspicion that it is all done for attention.
  4. Zandu

    Zandu Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    Personally I really don't see it that way, but that's beside the point. You are the moderator so you do your job and do what you think fitting; I'm not here to argue, I just felt that I had to explain why shouting attention-***** without proof makes you look stupid.

    I applaud you for actually giving reasons, unlike some of the people, who as I said before, were screaming it without proof.
  5. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: INFILTRATE THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Okay everyone read this very carefully.

    I posted this topic on a FORGE DISCUSSION forum. I am in fact discussing forge. I actually take pride in making maps, I am a very creative person.
    Although the topic was not typed by me, I do however take responsibility for it and if you read the revised version you will see that.
    Also this was not to get attention or posts. This was to get suggestions from a forge discussion forum.


    Of what people would like to see on this map.
    You guys have mis-understood the purpose of this because you assume the worst.
    Excuse me but you don't know me well enough to assume anything about me.
    I was simply looking to make this map as fun as i could, use EVERYONES idea that i could.
    So now the moderators boycott this map.
    Listen people im not here to cause controversy, I just wanted ideas.
    I discussed the fact that the building was shaped this way with some people that you guys know and are highly accomadated on this website, and they told me to go for it.
    I never intended the map name to turn out as such.
    so for the last time i apologize.
    So can you guys please see past the name and enjoy what im trying to create, ive been spending at least 3 hours a day on it for the past 2 weeks.
    Its going to be a fun map, all you have to do is see past this political controversy and enjoy a map (that is not intended to disrespect America's government.)

    I have changed the name and have apologized

    As for you.... You do not know me or my ethics, as to why you would naturally assume the worst i do not know. I never intended this to end up in a political discussion (I'm also urging people to not talk about politics on this topic anymore)
    I'm a 17 year old kid, not a terrorist or anarchist.
    I'd appreciate it if you didn't soil my name by telling people that all i want is attention.... because honestly... its not....
    I've said all i can say.... either the forge hub community will see that i have apologized for the terrible circumstances i'm under, or not... your choice....

    Also I know I owe everyone an explanation as to why the building is shaped like the pentagon.
    I noticed that two AMAZING bungie favorite and forgehub favorite maps were based off of real life American ordeals.
    Storm the Beach & Hooverville
    both were sad times for the USA....
    both made by my new found friend Trickmyster.
    I noticed that when real life historical events like that were made into maps, people loved them... I NEVER EVER intended the name to be what you all saw at first and i'm extremely ashamed that i let something like that slip through unnoticed, but listen.... You looked past two maps, they were and are amazing, i love them, so please just download the map for yourself when i release it, you will see that its allot of fun....
  6. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Thank you, I greatly appreciate that you changed the name. I also repect that you "stood up to the plate" and took responsibility for the post. It would have been easy to just let it go and hope it was just forgotten about.
  7. Zandu

    Zandu Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    While your apologies will definitely help, what's not going to help is that whopping triple post that you just posted.. Put it all in one post :|

    Oh and to everyone shouting attention ***** without reason:
    "I'd appreciate it if you didn't soil my name by telling people that all i want is attention.... because honestly... its not...."

    Nice job, you made yourselves look like idiots.

    Edit: On a brighter note the map sounds awesome, make sure you hide lots of goodies to screw over the people trying to plant the bomb :) I'll be sure to try it out!
  8. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    I have to say when I first saw the topic, it looked like an atten gainer, but after I read it, it was obviously not that, I don't understand why everyone here jumped on this guy, and didn't accept his explanation of the situation, it seems to me that you guys would like a little more respect than what was given. 2 cents.
  9. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    If forgehub is indeed not a democracy, then no one should be offended by off color jokes and stabs at a democratic idea. People, what you are missing here is the simple fact that this is......A DAMNED VIDEO GAME. If he was making a video of terrorrists bombing the pentagon or actually bombing the pentagon, or poking fun at people dying in a bombed pentagon, that would be a reason for all of this crap. jjbrich, you are absolutely right in naming your map what you did. "Bomb the pentagon" is what your creativity told you to do, and In an America where creativity is not only allowed, but encouraged, you should be able to do whatever the hell you want. Whenever I play this map with friends or custom games, I will proudly call it, "Bomb The Pentagon".
  10. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    I agree, you should make the map it's original name "Bomb the Pentagon", it's the same as if someone made a "Infiltrate the C.I.A." map. Frankly, I was really excited about this map, mostly because of the name you gave it. If the video game makers can make games about these type of things, then certainly we can too. I think I will make a map called, "Bomb the Abe Lincoln Statue" rotfl!!!!! lol!!! OK, so I'm not actually gonna make that one, but I have some ideas beginning to brew, thanks to Bomb the Pentagon.
  11. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    I'm leaving it up to the people... This is too touchy of a subject for me to decide alone... If you would like to see this map release with its original name "Bomb the Pentagon" Then say so.... If you wish for it to remain just "The Pentagon" then please say so.... its currently 2:30pm Wednesday where I'm at.

    I will tally up what everyone wants by Friday night at 10:00pm....

    Its up to the public... Just say so guys.... Original or Revised...
  12. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Ok, well I stated it above, but I'll say it again.

    Original name, without a question.
  13. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

  14. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Wait, people are upset because its called the Pentagon? How do you even know its a reference to the 9/11 attacks? If it is, then yes it should be taken down. Otherwise I don't see why it should be. You guys are overreacting. The Pentagon was more than just a building that was attacked by terrorists. Who says it can't be a battle ground if there was a war in our territory? I think the best maps are ones what are realistic and represent real life. There are plenty of games where multiplayer maps take place in government buildings, simply because if there was an invasion they would be targeted and defended.

    The Forgehub contest was you recreate a real life battle. How do you guys not find that offensive but you find this is? I fail to see the difference.

    Keep the name.
  15. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Original name. Bomb the pentagon FTW
  16. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    Okay so far...


    [size=12pt] llll 0

    I will keep this updated.... voting is over at 10:00pm friday
  17. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    I vote to keep it the original name. It's a sad day when your freedom of expression is imposed upon by other people. You can't give the argument that FH is not a democracy because it is located within our own country. If you were to post something illegal here, you could face consequences from the US law.

    I live in the US and I love living here, let me state that before I go on. The name is a name, by letting the events of 9/11 get to you in the form of a name of a map on Halo, you are letting the terrorists who planned and executed the events get to you. You are giving them what they wanted in some form or another. Think about that before you post about something like this. It is not up to us what a person can say or think in this country. The laws in a free country are there to protect people from other people impeding on their rights. The OP has not done such a thing.
  18. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    I appreciate the support I really do but I must insist on keeping personal political opinions to yourself whether they be wrong or right, I'm trying to keep such controversy from continuing.... its already caused allot of trouble =/

    Lets just hear (original) or (revised) and what your opinion on the map itself is.
  19. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: INFILTRATE THE PENTAGON (revised: explination and apologies at the top)

    jjbrich, perhaps you should just have titled the thread, "Ideas needed for assault map" or something like that. Your post had a very "everyone-come-look-at-my-map" tone to it, and it seemed like your request for ideas was secondary. I'm glad to hear you are not an "attention *****."

    But the fact remains that you should not post announcements about upcoming maps in the Forge Discussion forum. Instead of one thread devoted to your map (the map thread in the Maps section), there would be two threads. Can you see how an attention ***** would do something like that? Before you know it, there's a thread for the map in Forge Discussion asking for ideas, a thread in the Maps forums, a thread in the General Chat ("hey guys vote here if you liked my map"), and one in the Gaming Forums ("do you like to play my assault map on defense or offense best?").

    I go to the Maps forums to see maps. I don't want people advertising and announcing their maps everywhere else. Controversy and politics aside, this thread should still not exist.

    That is why I attacked your post, to discourage this sort of thing before it gets out of hand. I'm sorry if you took it personally. I may change my mind about downloading the finished map, and I may not.
  20. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: THE PENTAGON (revised: apologized: now voting original or revised name)

    I do appreciate your apology and your absolutely right, next time I will know better, I didn't intend on this to become such a big discussion, believe me... I had my brother post this around 12:30am, When I came home from school I got on here at 11:30am in complete shock, I didn't know that this would be such a big issue, and I also didn't know that he had took me serious and posted the map title that.

    But you have to remember this is only the second map that I'm publishing.... and as you can see I'm still new to forge hub, I'm just getting the hang of all these rules. But I promise I'm learning...

    You wont see me make this mistake again, Although I do like the fact that people are going to be anticipating this maps release, I'm ashamed of the controversy its caused.
    If I hadn't of already put hours of work into this map I would have just canceled its release, but i've already spent too much time to stop now. But everything else aside I do in fact see the error of my topic posts.

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