Download Undermind Download Gametype: Undermind Slayer Download Gametype: Team Undermind Description: Undermind is a massive dual towered structure with plenty of interior and exterior space. I got tired of using valuable items that I could be using as design elements on building a giant wall to keep people in my map. So I followed an idea from TrueDarkFusion and built my slayer map using king of the hill. The slayer rules are exactly the same except there is a visible boundary wall that will deduct kills from your score if you leave the map. Here is TrueDarkFusion's post: Using KOTH to Limit Map Size.. The attached gametypes are Team Slayer and Free For All Slayer using the KOTH Slayer Method. Enjoy. Gametypes: 1. Slayer 2. Team Slayer 3. Neutral Bomb 4. Neutral Flag Weapons: 1. 4 BR's 2. 1 Shotgun 3. 2 SMG's 4. 1 Flame Thower 5. 2 needlers 6. 1 Sword 7. 1 Plasma Pistol Equipment: 1. 1 Power Drains 2. 2 Fire Grenades 3. 2 Plasma Grenades 4. 1 Bubble Shield 5. 1 Regenerator Teleporter Door Sword Room Tower "A" & Mushroom Wall Lower Level - Tower "B" Outside the Slayer Boundary - Leave the map, and lose kills quickly. Sister Towers Upper Level Tower "B" Looking up at Tower "A" Sword Room is under Tower "A" Corner Structure/ BR Spawn Teleporter for Elevator 1 Corner to Corner - BR Battle Area "Where am I getting shot from?" Elevator 1 - Teleporter leads to Grav Lift 1 leads to Grav Lift 2 leads to.............. .......the top of Tower B Enjoy! Please leave comments, they are appreciated.
Those four stairs combined and the towers are definitely the pinnacle of this map, but the rest isn't too appealing. I would say 4/5 because I could see potential, but some parts just don't correspond well with other parts
Wow. This map looks really awesome. I love the center tower. The aesthetics are really cool. The interlocking is good too, the map looks really clean and well made. The other tower with the shield doors looks really nice too. It really looks like a fun well made map. Great job. keep forging.
Weird. In a good way... But the only pleasing spot was the center piece. I don't see the other parts of the map atractng me much... But you did utilize a good amount of interlocking... and what not.
reallly nice layout. i really like it. probably my favourite part is the four staircases interlocked 5/5 and dl'ing
wow! you have definatly earned my respect. lately all the maps here have been ... well ... boring. Your map is one of the best Ive seen in along run. I love centre staircase thing as well as the sword spawn. great interlocking and I think this map could have featurez. 5/5 and i never give that out.
I disagree I think your whole map is aesthetically pleasing, idk what the Layout ooks like, because an overview would be impossible, but i do like how you made foundry seem huge
This map looks preatty cool. I like the two center piece's design. Ill download to play with my friends.
Wow looks large and complex. I like complex maps, I think I'm gonna dl. This just might have featuring potential...
so the slayer gametype is actually KOTH? very intriguing... you know.. you may have created a brand-new style of maps.. although the wall actually does work better. this would be for more sincere players
Can't Take Credit I definitely didn't create this gametype. I latched onto TrueDarkFusion's suggestion.
The teleporters make it seem very random, but I like it. I see a lot of aesthetic use in the map, and I like the KOTH settings as boundries, I haven't seen that yet. Nice job. 5/5.
ya i haven't seen a map for long time that uses KOTH to limit map size. anyway i really like the center piece but thats about the best part of the map for me. on another note: undermind isn't a word. and coincidentally about 4 months ago i posted a map with the name undermine
Undermine I understand what the word undermine means. I named the map after a Phish Album: I'm glad you liked the centerpiece.