Child Waiting for New Heart Has PSP Stolen An 8-year-old Colorado boy awaiting a heart transplant had his Playstation Portable stolen by a teenage bully while visiting a relative, deputies said. While the 19-year-old suspect was arrested, the gaming system was never located, so Adam's County deputies pooled their money and bought Juan Martinez a new PSP and a dozen games for the system. "He's just a little kid. I don't like bullies," Deputy Michael Robbins said. "That's what it seemed like to me, one older kid picking on a little kid. "We couldn't let the bad guys win." And that's your moment of zen for the day. Source
I hate bullies, once my friend got punched for no reason right in the face cut all his eye, I didn't even hestitate I went right up to the bully and stuck my head in him, yet I was the one that got suspended, well I did break his nose.
Titmar just scared the crap out of me. I would kick that kid in the balls and then go on to do some serious SUPER NINJA ACTION NARUTO KICK BUTT XIAOLIN SHOWDOWN SAMURAI JACKIE CHAN BRUCE LEE DEADLY COMBO OF DEATH. Finally I will finish him with my rapid arm flailing defensive maneuver. That is 4 3pic winsauce.
That is flat out horrible! Can you even have a flippen heart to do something like that? Man I can't believe that!
Yes you can have a heart, actually you need a heart a good one that is working to do something like that, unlike that kids
I enjoy that they called a 19 yr old a kid. I also enjoy that he stole from an 8 yr old. What makes it the best is that the kid was waiting for a heart transplant. It's douchebags like that the you laugh when they get hit by a car. Sure I've been mean to people and I've done some bad things, but thats something that well ****in ****..if you are to dumb to realize he needs a new heart when you stole the psp, when the cops arrest you you should be like awh **** I'll buy him a new one. Seriously how can people like that live with themselves day in and day out. Grr that made me mad. Glad the kid got a new one though Bet he woulda been happier with a DS
I really feel bad for this kid. To be in a situation where you are waiting for an operation that will decide the fate of your life and some bully comes and steals something that gives your unfortunate life some enjoyment is just plain wrong. I'm just glad that the kid got a replacement psp.