i hope that they make a map like foundry but outdoors next time so it just have limits like the roofs or walls and more vehicles can be placed on it.
I just want a preview of the new maps so I can decide If I'm going to buy them or wait until they are free ....
ya it does a bit... though it also sounds like danger canyon... those two maps were very similar... personally i think Danger Canyon was the best halo map ever... (Lockout second)... but sidewinders up there... Though he also said that by natural it doesnt exactly mean natural.... that brings thoughts of the flood to mind.... If we get a floodified version of danger canyon sidewinder that would suck some BIG -- We interrupt this program to bring you an important weather announcement from Ollie Williams. Ollie?.. ITS GON' RAIN! Now back to the current program -- THAT! sorry bout all that language and all but seriously i do not want another flood map... isolation is horrible enough without the flood and with it its automatically the worst map in all 3 games... Sidewinder could be called labyrinthine if your talking about the indoor part between the two bases.... though as i said earlier the description also sounds like Danger Canyon which was similar to Sidewinder... and Danger Canyon could definitely be considered a labyrinthine map that you still never get lost in... so i think its gonna be a kind of Danger Canyon and Sidewinder combo thats Halo 3ified... but since they said only cottonball is a remake i think they will have also redone the layout a bit... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Well, the remake I wanted most was Blood Gulch/Coag, and now I know that ain't happening. They made a "spiritual successor" with Valhalla. Then the made another one with Standoff, even though it feels completely different. But there's two that are "comparable" to blood gulch. A third is not likely.
I dunno, i think that the gameplay on Standoff feels remarkably similar to Blood gulch, just w/o caverns.
Ya that is what I think. Bungie dosent like to make remakes for some reason. But there is a great remake of foundation. Bungie leaves it up to the fans to make the remakes. :squirrel_jaffa:
They already said that cottonball is a remake but its the only one... from what i heard at least... Why is everyone so interested in Sidewinder? Danger Canyon was basically the same but even better... ya sidewinder was great but Danger Canyon was epic... Blood gulch was bad.... over played and overrated... it was just a big hilly feild with a base on each side... valhalla is the exact same... the only problem with valhalla is that you can see from one base to the other and driving isnt as easy... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I think the new map that got move up is a hang em high remake *prays* Notice for the update that tombstone was the backround, seems kind of suspicious.
Because Sidewinder was one of the best maps ever. The only similarity between the two was the general shape of the level. Sidewinder was much more fun for vehicle fights, (In DC there was slight hills and the structure down low and they both got in the way), snipers, (DC only had one sniper cliff and it was covered in trees, rocks.) The tunnels were vastly different too. Sidewinder had nice WIDE open tunnels, where as DC had cramped ones that were heaven for a someone with a FRG. All those points aside, I'm pretty sure Gearbox has licensing to the HaloC maps.
It is official. PURPLE RIEGN IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT TO THE SPRING DLC. Instead it will be replaced by Moonlight Sonata. Purple reign will be in the Summer DLC. On Bungie's weekly update (2-1-08) said that Moonlight Sonata is more exiting. It is a medium-sized semetrical arena style map.
yeah that is what i'm hoping for the most. not really what maps they are just how forgeable they are.