This is another great Puzzle map that I have made. It was originally just going to be another puzzle map but I noticed that it might make a great Infection game. It can be played with Oddball or Infection, depending on your party size. I recommend any party size for Oddball and 4-6 players for Infection. There are a total of 13 rooms. The 1st room is made to screw people up, so that they get killed by the zombie, so don't fret if you keep dying. Just keep trying until you run out of cake. Room 7 or the "King Kong" Jump is probably the biggest ball buster of all. It is a hard physical challenge that has been seen on my other puzzle maps, and is still extremely hard to do. Many dead bodies rest on the panels, due to the Infected outbreaks. If you want to have the tutorial, you may msg me on XBOX Live or here on Forge Hub. Otherwise, if you get stuck, here are some clues: Mongoose reverse: Freeze! Hole behind Mongoose Reverse: Be as stealthy as a ninja! Dumpster room: Hump the bridge. Door room: Open a door. Right Door room: Turrets and teleporters can exist in harmony. End Door room: Is there a hole in the ceiling? King Kong Jump: There is NO clue, sorry. On top of King Kong: Be as stealthy as a ninja! Inside King Kong: Ninja grab! Bridge Chute: There's a piece of gum on the wall? Half Wall Room: Roll the dough Flamethrower room: Can the fire jump through walls? Cage: If you finish faster than 3 minutes, figure something out, otherwise, use the man cannon The Oddball Objective: Finish all the puzzles and grab the oddball at the end to win. The Infection Objective: Do as many puzzles as possible and don't get infected for 15 minutes. Zombie Spawn (Dumpster Doors open after 60 seconds.) Mongoose Reverse Mongoose Reverse Hole behind Mongoose Reverse Dumpster Room Dumpster Room King Kong Jump Bridge Chute The End =D I'm missing some screenshots of rooms, but only because they seem empty, and don't need to be shown. Download: Infected Trials Map Infected Trials (Infection Gametype) G Trials (Oddball, just solve puzzles gametype) Game Varients MUST BE USED! Here's a tip: Before you post, please download the map and try it. There are things that don't show up in pictures, especially in puzzle maps. There are a couple rooms that I didn't even take screenshots of because they looked empty. I don't want any more "OMG you can walk over the Mongoose part, you're so stupid dude, make some teleporters that kill you!" posts. Sorry to the guys who already posted as well, I should've showed that in the pictures.
I like the tracks you drive on, but I don't think this will work out very well while the zombie's running around wreaking havoc on them.
whoa this looks better thn long way home i love the mongoose track thing but couldnt some1 just walk across? u should interlock some death teles with the ground in the beginning
i like this, but why would you HAVE to drive on those tracks, couldnt you just walk over? anyways, this looks like a nice puzzle map, i will DL and defeat its evilness!
I didn't show some of the puzzle parts to make sure you figure it out yourself. There is a small hole at the end of the mongoose track with a teleporter in it. It sends you back to the beginning of the room. Everyone's saying they're confused...confused about what? How to complete a room? Infection can become fun because it's like a race against time, and the faster you can do the puzzle, the faster you can get away from your impending doom. The end of the puzzle does result in a dead end though, as I don't know how I can make it end without making it unfair for the zombies. You win during Oddball games, by picking up the oddball. To win in Infection, you have to survive for 15 minutes. I might make a way for if you finish the map in Infection, you can push a box or something onto a teleporter, and can stay in a room for the remainder of the game. I'll figure something out in an updated version. Here's a Tip: Before you post, play the map. There are things, especially in puzzle maps that don't show up in pictures. Also, finished editing the initial post. Added some more clues and fixed some errors
dayums on i really like the looks of this map king kong jump looks neatooo i like how you made it infec./ob cool beans 4.5/5
It looks like a really good map, but i think your pictures are confusing people, a more detailed description would help you out epically
I think the map looks very cool, i like the first part with the mongooses. But the donkey kong part looks very hard. I will download this and try it out, anyway. The interlocking seems very smooth and clean. But why is the second room called "the dumpster room"?
looks like a good chalenge how did you get the spacing for the walls on the mongoose part? please pm me
Don't knock the Infection until you try it. The Zombies are invisible and have 200% damage resistance, with no shields. It's like playing swat, but you can't see his head. Everyone does have a motion tracker, and the zombie has an enhanced motion tracker. I think it's very fun, especially if you can complete the challenges quickly and without screwing up.
Thanks, but did you finish all the challenges? It's more fun when you finish all the challenges. I thought it was a fun Infection game, as everyone was getting killed quickly because they couldn't do the first challenge.
Hey I just played this with some friends and I think I found a major error in the map. We drove our mongooses through the teleporters but that was it. We could not get to the dumpster room because there was no way out. Everybody got really pissed and most of them quit. But it seems as if the map works for you. Do you know where to go when you complete the mongoose thing?
Hey I gave you clues, and you are happy to come play the map with me. Try to decipher the clue into something that you can do in Halo.
O i get it, if you don't ride the mongoose over then you go through the teleporter. Nice work. But this post could be a little more specific on some things