Zerosun. DEFO. There's something to the signature that makes you want to look at it for even longer. I dunno, I just wish I could make sigs like that.
i vote SPAGETTII; its had nice work done to it, and still has the war-sense IxGunxSlingerx is what i would've chosen but didn't because it doesn't give that same war-i-ness lol
Camofo get my vote i like the smoke effect, and how the sig is not just a rectangle, but a little more
I vote for Gun Slinger for the bold colourless impact of the sig. It reminds me of Gears of war and call of duty 4 at the same time. He has also used the splatter effect very well.
Camofo FTW!The use of the smoke and explosion ring out of the border is so original and I've never seen it used before.
BlOOD F1R3: definetely cuz of his amazing use of splatters, otherwise, i like zerosun's the best...but vote is for blood
Only if I could have entered... >_> The entries this week aren't what they used to be. I don't like any of them.
It's so hard to choose between Zerosun's and Spagettii's, but Spagettii's one made me want to stop and look at it just that little bit more then Zerosuns's. So my vote is for Spagettii's, even though I don't really think he did much to the actual image to 'create' what he did. Is it just me or do the people in the sig look like kids?
I'm going to have to go with SPAGETTII's sig. It show's that even if one of you are down, your friends will be there to help you out. I also like what he did with the airplanes. =)
Well im going to vote for IxGUNxSLINGERxI .. i would have voted for Zerosun but it seems like all of his sigs have the same style like this one.. so IxGUNxSLINGERxI gets my vote..
CaMOfo: Just like usual, he stepped outside the box. He did a great job on both the turret fire and the dog-tags with his name on it.