This has some neat aesthetics to it (I really liked that middle tower) however this seems rather open and with all that space, have you considered dropping a mongoose or ghost in there? Also, those little wall corner structures don't do a good job filling up space in your map. Maybe if you set them atop a vertical double box to make a pillar-ish sort of structure. Overall, this map has some good things going for it and I give it a 8.6 and 4 stars.
well the vehicles would get stuck unless you had a really good driver on the narrow hallways to either side. But it is open, the little wall stuctures do cover alot, and your right it is open but I don't think open enough for a vehicle
looks really good, but i would make a v2 and improve upon this. this looks a little empty, and i would use the rest of your budget
I hate to double post but I would like to say that there will most likely be a V2 but it is not officail and also suggestion are open for this new version
All of you maps make me want to slaughter a baby cow Go die in a fire to save us the time of looking at your shitty maps
Completely uncalled for and unnecessary you are in violation of the rules and well what I asked you not to... dont do it agian, please
@unknown: You, sir, have been reported. Take your bs somewhere else. TC, just ignore this guy, he'll be banned soon anyway. And now for the map...the center piece looks real nice and clean (can't tell if there's a bump between the stairs and flat walls though), but I don't think the areas around it do it justice. It's hard to tell, because you only posted 3 pics, but the rest of the map seems rather bland IMO. Post more pics to prove me wrong, or else improve on the outsides of the map and make a v2.
This looks like a cool map, but some additional information would be helpful. I like your center structure. I never thought of making a structure like that on top. Good idea there. PM me for advice if you need it.
ha ha that center top took me about 30mins and its still not right completely any I'll take some if you think I really need it new pics probobley Monday so hold on...
I have some new screen shots of the sides and some stuff its only four more but there good. both the side with the fence boxes and the closed and open boxes are shown in these
I absolutely Love the spearhead. That is by far one of the coolest interlocks i've seen in a while. However, it seems as though the map could use more vertical expansion