Is it possible to make a teams flag spawn in random places. for example... The Blue team has 5 different flag spawns. Can Billy Blue make his flag spawn in a random one out of the five, because so far it keeps spawning in the same one? all help is GREATLY appreciated because it would give my map that little bit of extra authenticity I've been looking for.
No. Tested for CTF and Assault. However, you can make it so you can take the flag/bomb to any one of the return points, making it extremely tactical for Assault in particular.
wow i just got a interesting idea, i know many of you have played COD4 well, I am listening to podtacular as i write this and TDF is talking about his crash remake he is working on. So back to my idea, sorry tangent, ok so i was thinking that if you had a map remade to COD4 one you could place two bomb planting points in order to recreate the search and destroy gametype. Someone has probably thought of this alreasy, but yeah just throwing it out there.
that's actually a pretty cool idea I'm not really that unhappy about the flag thing, I just would have been cool. How do I make it so people can test my map?
I'm not positive, but I think you can use the regular flag respawn areas to set a specific order in which the flag will respawn. For example, make the flag respawn point, then put a flag respawn area where your respawn point is, hit x on the respawn area, and in it's option menu set it's spawn order, that will make the flag spawn in different places sometimes depending on what number you pick, and where the enemy is.
No, but that would be pretty damn cool. I don't know, but is there anything you can do with territories to get the effect you are looking for.
If I'm correct... objective objects have a minimum attribute as well as every other object... just place all of the flag spawn points on the map and set the minimum to 1... it should be random everytime you play the map...
That's a pretty cool idea, I think I'm gonna use that when I finish my shellshocked game, I can add that in as a CTF alternative.
I don't know if it will work for 5 objects though... this is the trick that I am using for Training Ground 2.0... We realize the fewer objects you have, the less random it is. Hence walls and double boxes, etc work great for that trick. And as you can see I always give away my secret tips in secret ways... lolz... good on you for those who read most of the posts.
I started paying attention the moment I joined, now I just have to track all your tricks down that were here before I got here. :squirrel_wtf:
LOLZ... I'm so sneaky... you should definitely troll the Forge Discussion zone and the Forging 101 section. All my tips are well hidden. If you can get a good compilation, I'm pretty sure people would enjoy it... myself included. I can never remember ALL of my important tips.
I just might do that, but I'll have to figure out how to use most of them before I go posting them up.
There is ALOT of tips on spawns, my beliefs with weapon balance, aesthetics, etc... just collect them and if you don't get it, post in that thread with a quote and I will repond. This will also help all of the new guys who missed all of the good old days with Lance as our Forge Specialist without Forging...
Come to think of it your right... it doesn't work for objectives because you can't set them to not spawn at start.. nvm. For the random trick to work you have to place all possible locations for the object. Then set them all to 180 respawn rate and Not to spawn at start. Then set the minimum to however many you want randomly spawned. Since objectives can't be set to not spawn at start the trick doesn't work... I apologize for not being right... I have sad face ...
Ok, well... crossing that one out of the list... : ( Actually I haven't started yet, but it was a good idea, stupid bungie.
You can still note down the random spawning trick... that's what I am using for Training Ground 2.0 (cuz Training Ground is freakin' popular right now... 6000+ downloads and counting)...
Reply, I'm gonna do that probably tomorrow, I plan on using it too, I have this incredible idea that I'm gonna do on last resort if I can ever finish my shellshocked map. Stupid towers!