Effective Spawn Placement

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    Wow thanks for not flaming, that's what I generally expect when I correct someone, I guess that loyal tag means a lot XD

    EDIT: Wow again, I never knew I could make such an off-topic post. I'm sure there could be some clever way to make the VIP/Juggernaut spawn somewhere, but I'm out of ideas. I think I'll make a thread somewhere...
    Also, what would happen if you put a defending respawn zone/point inside another attackers respawn zone?
  2. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    I wouldn't recommend putting an enemy spawn area inside the other teams spawn area, but likely one will override the other (which one, I don't know). I don't see the practical purpose unless you have some innovative, wild and crazy gametype in mind.

    Give it a try and post your findings here. I would like to know this myself.

  3. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    Well now I know that, if you have your teams only spawn area inside another teams spawn and you only have 1 spawn, then you will spawn there, but if you stay standing on that spot then no-one else will spawn there, kinda helpful for my POW gametype.
  4. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Perhaps make 4 spawn areas around each side of an enemy spawn area. Yes, it wastes items, but it will keep the game from going hay-wire by trying to figure out what to do with overlapping enemy spawn areas.

  5. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    Overlapping spawn areas are actually less I complicated than they seem... I think. An enemy spawn area on it's own doesn't prevent a player from spawning in his own spawn area there, because I don't think they take away 'points', if people who read the update a week or so ago will understand.
  6. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Go here and click on the picture. It is an actual test and recording of player spawns (enemies and allies).

    Perhaps this will help us in our quest to figure out the inner workings of spawn areas...

  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Bungie doesn't use many respawn areas, but if you notice; none are overlapping. It's my opinion that having overlapping areas is the equivalent of none at all, especially when assigning them to teams.

    That being said, I think that you can have neutral areas placed around a map as well as two large team respawn areas (specifically for Slayer). I think that FFA ignores the team areas and will utilize the neutral ones for effective spawn placement.
  8. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    You are correct about FFA; there is no need for a respawn area, and the game does not use them if they are there.

    As for Team Slayer respawn areas, Bungie kinda messed up. I hate it when people spawn behind me on the beach on High Ground. I simply HATE losing my sniper rifle to someone who snuck up behind me for an easy kill.

    Are there even respawn areas for Team Slayer on High Ground? I don't think so, and that's why we have that problem...

    I think I'm just rambling now.

  9. khan n khaos

    khan n khaos Ancient
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    If you want to know a cool trick go to last resort and delete all respawns (all 100 spawns be cure to check it) then go to the right of the windmills with the beach to the south of you and go to the wall not stone but the metal wall look for a piece of metal that looks dark (it might indent a little then) and look straight at it (get right next to it also) the put at least two respawns and then some how kill your self doesn't matter how then you will respawn is a secret room and the do what ever you want put a teleportal there what ever you want and continue with your map creating ( be sure to replace however many spaws on map so people don't spawn in that room all the time) If i didn't elaborate enough i am sorry ( note : i do not take any credit for this discovery i did not find it myself ) KHAN N KHAOS
    (for more fun on last resort go to the underneath the bridge (dont knock it down) buy all 4 trip mines and set respawn time at 10 and the go to summery and set run time as high as possible then throw trip mines to overload the map then put what ever you want to be stuck in the bridge make sure it is were bridge once was the save and quite the restart map once your start out if successful it might be laggy once you start the go and knock down the bridge and if did properly it will go crazy and parts of the bridge will move rapidly (ALSO NOTE: I DID NOT FIND THIS) SINCERELY YOUR KHAN N KHAOS Happy forging
  10. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    It might be worth starting another topic in Forge discussion regarding that little trick.

  11. NOTW22

    NOTW22 Ancient
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    Ah, so that's what the spawn areas are for. They always confused me. Makes much more sense now, thank you for posting!
  12. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    .....Oh. THAT helps me a TON. thank...

    ** runs to desperatly fix that stupid spawn killing problem**
  13. garrett1rocks

    garrett1rocks Ancient
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    Thanks these tips help a lot!
  14. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    Yes Thank You!!!!111!!!!
  15. DCSlavens

    DCSlavens Ancient
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    I'm confused. Sometimes when I make a map, like on Foundry, with a wall that no one can get through, when a round ends, or someone dies, or something like that, sometimes they respawn outside of the wall. Help!
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    then you have respawn points or starting points located outside of your map.
    Please dont necro post.
  17. VvSpartanvV

    VvSpartanvV Ancient
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    VIP Spawning

    In a VIP game is there a way to make the vip spawn somewhere by himself. My friend and I are trying to make a game, but we need him to spawn in a different spot from the team. I would really appreciate it if you could help me.
  18. Starwind720

    Starwind720 Ancient
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    Territory Spawning

    I've made a territory version of Ghost Town. Its attackers vs defenders. I'm new to this website and I don't know how to put up this. I'll do that later. So how do I put respawning points for both teams. As the attackers take one territory and move on to the next one, their respawn area advances as well. Same thing with the defenders, they lost a territory and they fall back defending the next one. Because with my map, it would take quite a journey for the defenders to get to the attackers. Therefore leaving the nearest area to be taken easily. How do I set up this so it will be an even match?
  19. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
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    what would make my starting points not work at all? I have them set to the proper team. When the game starts we don't spawn on a starting point, how can i fix this and why did it happen?
  20. Ripped Mowgli

    Ripped Mowgli Ancient
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    all this stuff is great help

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