Best Cartoon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    There's no thinking involved with simpsons anymore. Their recent few years of episodes have been bland, and they built way too much hype for their movie. It was announced, what, 10 years ago. THey set their fans up for a disappointment.
    South Park used to be just a whole lot of swears, now their episodes continue to get better, and more funny. There are actual stories in the episodes.
    Drawn Together only appeals to a certain audience.
  2. TiledFloor

    TiledFloor Ancient
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    If you peer to my sig, you will notice those delightful angry beavers. Those old Nickelodeon cartoons were some of the best. My personal favorites are the ones you have already listed, such as Rocco's Modern Life and Ren and Stimpy.

    Then the early Cartoon Network with shows like Dexter's Lab and Johnny Bravo. Those were always a fantastic half hour.

    But cartoons today on these channels such as Chowder and Flapjack are awful. I just don't find that humor very funny, if you can find any.

    Unrelated note: Why do they release about five episodes in one week, then a dry spell for months. I think that's just poor planning and the wrong choice.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    South Park is by far the best out of all the cartoons. There's still a decent amount of shock value (but you almost expect it now) and a ton of cursing, but at the same time a lot of the episodes offer social commentary and most importantly its the one show at which I can laugh out loud while watching by myself.

    I used to like Family Guy but South Park's Family Guy/Cartoon wars double episode prevented me from ever tuning in regularly. I mean the show could actually be written by manatees.
  4. TiledFloor

    TiledFloor Ancient
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    I must inquire, what makes you so sure manatees aren't hilarious? Perhaps you were mauled as a child?
  5. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    im diggin all these, my list would be south park, family guy, simpsons, i like story, but not a necessity, just laughs. South park has both, and the funniest seen of all time, i laughed to the point that i was gasping for air, and my friend who i watched with, was dialing 911.

    In one of the first epidsodes "cartman gets an anal probe" i think the name, hes talking about how he doesnt have one, as he does this he gets struck by lightning, changes his color, gets rosey cheeks, and starts singing some song that osunds like it belongs in my sisters favorite movie, bambi. If you've seen it, you know what im talking asbout, if you havent, you need to.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Yes I was mauled as a child and therefore I don't find manatees hilarious.

    Are you ****ing retarded? Way to start off your posting career with that abortion of two random thoughts fused together into a post.

    OT: I don't hate family guy, I just can't watch it for extended periods of time due to the randomness. It's like watching youtube videos for half an hour. It definitely has its moments though.
  7. TiledFloor

    TiledFloor Ancient
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    Oh, you take things much to seriously. I was merely playing off the fact that you said Family Guy was written by manatees.

    And Family Guy has gone down in quality lately, there trying to please one audience. The people who like the one lined, or short winded jokes. While those are fun, I expect some jokes to be developed by actions in the show, not flashbacks where utterly outrageous events occur. South Park does a good job of developing the jokes throughout the whole show.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I miss that show Angry Angry Beavers. That was actually pretty funny. Kind of more adult humor at some times. In terms of mature cartoons I would say that the funniest are Family Guy and South Park. The most relevant being The Simpsons and South Park. However, South Park will take the relevance and twist it so hard its eyes crap out bloody Tay Zondays. Just think about that- pretty sig worthy statement huh?

    My ratings:

    • The Simpsons- Used to be a great show, but not as quality in the past few seasons.
    • Family Guy- Same thing with the Simpsons, more randomness because most of America can't handle too much truthyness. IMO Blue Harvest was WAAAAAAAAAAY overrated. My friends think it is sooooooo funny.
    • South Park- Wonderful show now. Used to be disgraceful sometimes, but continues to improve with better plots every season. Imaginationland cracked me up so bad.
    • American Dad- Basically the same as Family guy, just not as long running and not the flashback things.
    • Futurama- More of a cult kind of thing. I like this show, but mostly for Zoidberg. The rest of the characters can be cheesy from time to time. Ok though
    • King of the Hill- This show actually is better than I think people give it credit for. It is more serious than Simpsons and Family Guy and depicts people more acurately.
    • Drawn Together- Don't like this show. Kind of weird. Like Sarah Silverman. She is weird.
    • Robot Chicken- Wouldn't say this is the best show ever. However it sure has some hilarious moments. I don't watch too much, but I have seen some good clips.
    #28 M.Jelleh, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
    HITtheLIGHTZ likes this.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Why so serial? LOL.

    The manatee thing came from a south park episode (Cartoon wars episode 2), and your post still made no sense.

    Everyone here keeps talking about how south park used to be much worse in terms of disgracefullness and shock humor. For the time it certainly was worse, but looking back a lot of the old episodes weren't bad at all compared to things they've done more recently from just the last half season:

    1. Cartman injecting kyle with aids
    2. Britney spears killing herself
    3. Drug use, getting high off cat urine
    4. Showing Randy's man goo in the internet episode

    Nothing will ever top cartman starting a second holocaust though, that was just so awesomely wrong.
  10. The God of Grunge


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    Home Movies. Cause coach McGuirk is a pimp
  11. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    mmm the classics are good but ive kinda out growed them awhile ago but Pokemon just for the theme song ;) jkin but it would be between family guy and american dad, because family guy is funny and original (not all the time) but ive seen almost or every episode, so i have gone of it abit and open full arms for american dad, yes south park is funny but i havn't got the channel its showed on :(. Futurerama is great but has the same affect with family guy, so really it changes allot, but for now american dad
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ren and I hated that show. They were like ripping eachother's skins off and doing just really nasty crap and I was like 8 at the time. That scarred me for life
  13. The God of Grunge


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    Home movies. 'Make a knife out of contacts'
  14. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Home Movies is a great show. Some things are kinda weird in that show. Plus the animation isn't too great
  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I havent seen nor heard of home movies.
    it must only be played in America.
  16. The God of Grunge


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    Linue, go on youtube and search home movies. then watch the episode called 'The wizards baker'
  17. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    nope i can watch them and i live in Canada
    edit: wait never mind different show
    #37 alienman911, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  18. zoltan0

    zoltan0 Ancient
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    You know, the same guy that made home movies made Metalocalypse, or so i've heard. And any of you that think southpark and family guy take things too far, metalocalypse has some seriously messed up stuff in it, but it is funny as hell.
  19. KB

    KB Ancient
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    South Park
    Robot Chicken

    that is all that I like because they are so funny! I hate how Youtube started deleting all the robot chicken because I loved watching Robot Chicken star wars... =*[

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