How did you get that effect? The Screenshot is awesome because of it's Fuel Rod, Fuel Rod=Green=Cool Effect=Awesome Screenshot, something like that?
Basically just messing around with a FRG and Juicy/Gloomy filters. Oh, and black armour always helps lol. Thanks for the feedback.
wow thats pretty tight... with the mist type stuff. and the eerie green glow. moustache you have earned my respect in ways you can't imagine
Creepy screenshot. I really enjoy the dark ones. Elites just make it so more mysterious. The mist makes it cool and the fuel rod gun is great because I don't normally see them in screenshots.
It was actually a downloaded map that I was just exploring in forge. It was so dark I thought that the place woud make some interesting screenshots, so I just started messing around with crap. This is the only screenshot that is any good from that game lol.
Wow i love it! Its really creepy how its a elite and the green mist looks great! I like what you did and it looks brillant! Great job! =]
Did you use the black room map in aesthetics? i used that map to get the first 3 pics in this post