Judgment is a large arena that's set up for nearly every game type, except multi-bomb assault. It is set up to be as fair and symmetrical as possible for team games, but can also work well for FFAs. Underneath the bleachers seen here are rooms and a path between the two bases. There are a surprising amount of tactical jumps to be made here. For instance, you can jump for the bleachers down to the path I mentioned, which has the teleporter seen below. On the other side of the teleporter is a path around the outside of the arena for added complexity. The teleporter leads to the Rocket Platform. The Rocket Platform is also a hill in King of the Hill. Judgment takes full advantage of Foundry's default bases. Here, you can see but can't touch the other team as you both spawn. A sniper spawns in the back room for each team. I think this map has what it takes to become a classic. DL Link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I know that it is on Elevated Earth's file share. We made it together and he helped me a lot. He is the one who came up with the idea. So say thank you to him.
Kind of bad Forged, though I like the idea, and the layout from this map. Weapons list and a brief description of the map would be helpfull for me too. Your Weapon and Equipment placement looks too work good aswell, though due the Forging of the map, makes me feel more negative about it. Maybe make a V2, and put some Weapon Holders on the Barriers.
i really really like the layout why no interlocking? lmc2? easily one of the best non interlocked maps i have ever seen 5/5
i do think the forging could be better, and i understand it works for all gametypes, but what are your favorites? decent layout, upside down bridgers work better then they're non-flipped brotheren, so aybe flip those, if thers a v2
You didn't interlock or geomerge a lot, and you have over 700 posts. I guess a part I like about the map though is that you can see the other team spawn but not kill them.
Nice map for the contest. The layout looks great. I suggest you put in big red letters in your post that this is for the LMC. I'm suprised people havn't b****ed at you yet. When I posted my LMC map, People flamed me and 2 people ended up getting warned and one got banned. Anyways, hope someone wins other than mallet. We don't want him to win twice.