i guess your right about this map but im still not gona trust you for a while but you can earn my trust if i start to see less of what you did do so this is a start but be carfull cause i will bust you if i catch something for now
one sec just wondering what is this? 2 Days Ago #14 (permalink) MLG Ninja Warned MLG Ninja is Forging Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: NC Posts: 94 Look!, My Xbox Broke It Will Be On File Share Later, I Will Anounce When It Is Later Just Wait! 2 Days Ago #15 (permalink) EliteSniper Junior Member EliteSniper needs status Join Date: Aug 2008 Location: Williamston, NC Posts: 18 This is Ausome!, I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put on file share plz
i recall seeing this, and this was one of the maps you got banned for taking, so you remade a map you stole? i also dont see a differance, maybe you could point it out.
Ive seen a map a lot like this before its the dawn of the dead map pack with different maps there was one like this there. by the way it looks like you can easily get out of there.
Looks good enough to try, but i really do like the way the graves are in the ground and thats where you spawn
ok evryone the problem hgas been solved so no need to acuse him of stealing this map its his so don't false acuse anymore
He is remakeing mine and my friend jester LS's map called Grave yard.[my sig has orriginal "Grave yard" map link not promoting just giving comparisson.]. I like that you tried to redo our idea and tried to make it fresh but the teleporter is not a good because humans will camp it and you removed the tunnel system..why? I know you tried hard to remake our map but this looks kind of sloppy and please ask for permission or give credit to the orriginal map makers as its not prefered to remake someones map without permission. Im not being mean but I DO NOT approve of this behavior and don't do it in the future.