Please forgive me for my last posts A remake of my "The Grave Yard" Download :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Proof :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Changes(From V1 to V2) : -2 Shotguns Added -2 Assault Rifles Added -Blocked of More -A way to the Roof Added -Respawn Bugs Added -Mongoose/Warthog/and Dumpster Added Outside -And Shotguns Have 0 Clips Weapon List : 4xShotguns 2xBRs 2xSMG 2xAssault Rifles 1xSR Pics : Overview Inside Grave/Attacker's Spawn Inside Church/Defender's Spawn Below Church(OLD Picture) The way to the Roof 1 of 2 Assault Rifle Spawns Above Church/Sniper Spawn Outside of Map/Senery M for II MLG Ninja II
ok once again. your video proof from the last one is flawed. everything is already set. you just put walls in. i can't say for certin, but i don't think you made this map. and in the very rare chance that you did. you stole the idea. that is for certin. also it apperears you are warned i wonder why.
Glad to see your getting better at posting, I remember your first post... Erm hope the Banning changed you, and it looks like it did. This post is really up to standars. And the map looks good for a map without interlocking... Keep on posting and you'll get the hang of it.
this is a cool map i like how there is graves. ive never seen this kind of map before but im recent to forgehub.
Seems very campy and more interlocking on the Double box floor would make game play and walking much smoother. I like the idea of a grave yard, it gives more of a spooky feeling to the map like haunted manor which is the problem that turns me off of most infection maps. A good clean up job and more balanced weapons will make this map great.
omg this is real annoying not your map your a map theft again here is the orignal map you stealer orginal owner- EliteSniper his was posted 21 hours ago this one weas posted 3 minutes ago
ha, i was right, he did this on another account, then he got banned. excpect a perma band this time. you *%^&. game over, you lose
can everyone stop commenting. he stole this map. i checked the members list. theres no banned elite sniper. and why would you get banned for posting a map, unless it wasn't yours
its not his map stop rating it gosh. oh and if elite is your profile change the motto on it to elite sniper is mlg ninja