The 100 Foot Fort Version 2 A remake of one of my very first forge maps made a long time ago when I first got H3. Definatly nothing special but a working, good looking, map....kind of. Download Map Game Variants: Two Flag CTF Two Bomb Assault *Note: These are tweked versions of Two Flag and Two Bomb. You must use these versions in order for the Custom Powerup shortcut to work. The Custom Powerup Shortcut (picture 2) allows the flag or bomb carrier to cut threw, as well as any regular player. The catch is that in my variants, the bomb carrier has 200% gravity preventing him from avoiding the Custom Powerup while regular players can just jump over it. The Custom power up just makes the person go slower. This way it makes it so the defenders can catch up, though the twist is that the flag is on the othe side and is at risk for being grabed up again. This adds more competition to the game making the defence work harder. Other Game Variants: Team Slayer, Team King of the hill, Team oddball. These and CTF and Assault are the only game variants set up for this map. It must be a 2 Team game. No more than 2 teams and no free for all because it wasn't set up for those kinds of games. Description: This is a remake of my very first "real" foundry map. Also one of my first maps. It takes an old very poorly made map and turns it into a map with good alined walls and boxes, along with a new respawn system and man canons. Here is an overview of half the map. First for some loactions of things. On top of the Double box by the gravity lift is a sniper rifle. On the walkway where the gravity lift leads, all the way at the end is a sword. In the botom right where you see a shield door, there is an invisibillity or overshield (depending on the side) behind the single box. The Red player by the stairs is leaving the Red Basen through the second floor stairs. There are also two other entrances to the base by the wall corner, that have shield doors over them to prevent vehicles from entering. The back hallway is open for player trafic. There are Two maulers back there as well. There is a bubble shield or deployable cover (depending on the side) by the two window panels. And that is prety much it for that image. This is a picture of the Shortcut. As you can see, the red player not carring a bomb or flag can get over the custom powerup which slows you down, but if you are carring a bomb or flag you can not avoid it. By making the Bomb or flag carier go slower by useing this shortcut it allows the defenders to catch up, though the twist is that the flag is still on the other side and is at much higher risk for being grabed up. This adds more competition to the game making the defence work harder on not letting people use the shortcut. The Custom Powerup does instanly respawn. One Final Picuture: The Base I used some arrows to show where some things are so here is the arrow color key: Black: To Shortcut Custom Powerup Halway. Yellow: To Hog and Mongoose Red: Entrances/Exits Green: Bomb Spawn White: Bomb Plant/Flag Spawn/Flag Return The White arrow kinda looks like it is pointing at the A and B signs but it is pointing at that corner of the map. Weapon/Equipment List: Weapons: 1 sniper Rifle, 1 shotgun, 1 Brute shot(sided), 1 needler(sided), 2 SMG's(One per base). Equipment: 2 power drains(One per base), 2 trip mines(One per Base), 1 deployable cover(sided), 1 bubble shield(sided), 1 overshield(sided), 1 invisibility(sided) Note: Sided Marked Items: Each side eather recives a brute shot or a needler, a deployable cover or a bubble shield, an overshield or invisibility. Other weapons and equipment are in both bases (SMG and power drain) or are equal distances from each base (sniper rifle and shotgun). Well I think that is pretty much it. So if you have any questions please ask.
Well thats what I was looking for. Yeah It's nothing special. Edit: Well for changing much, I just made sure that all the walls were even and line up correctly. I fixed the shortcut thing so it did something special. And changed the weapons up a little and changed a few other things. I'll just say I changed alot of little things that messed up the map. It's call 100 foot fort because: 1. I couldn't think of anything else 2. the fort is probly 100 feet long...maybe.
Yeah, couldn't three, players assault the flag, take it, one player that's not the flag carrier grab the powerup, and guard the area while the flag carrier escapes with still one defender? You could solve this by making the custom powerup instantly respawn though.
Too simple, if you want a download try to show some effort... I mean no interlocking, not neatness. There are Forging 101's on this site... Not sure if you know that...
Trust me I know how to do all the fancy stuff. This is an old map. I just remade it without messing with doing it. Yeah it only took one day cause it wasn't that special. It never will be special. You can never recreate a map with merging and that cool stuff without practically doing it all over. Which I would rather make a whole new map insted of that, so look for a new map from me some time in the future.