Hello i am now Mister hat and since i am that i need a new sig. if you would like to make me a sig than message me with the sig you made. here is what it must consist of mr. garison holding mister hat every thing darkened accept the area around mister hat and in very creepy writing "mister hat the light of the darkness"
Well there are currently about 3 sig shops running. theres zeros, mallet & dizfunky's, and i think like boydy's & somebody's. try looking at those. they're all great sig makers.
HAI and welcome to ForgeHub. LOCKdowN makes sigs too, be aware that all of the have sig shop, I tihnk someone else makes sigs too, I can't remember him at the moment, though.
Thanks for the "nice" reply, and I think he was talking to me, I don't know why, I have 38 posts, lol, im not that new.