this is a new bunker found by the survivors of the apacolypse. can this keep the infection back. Geeza72 bunker othe maps: the labs hold the cure to the virus. but it also holds most of the zombies because the lockdown kept all the workers from leaving. u must venture forth and find the cure before its to late. Geeza72 labs 1: the geeza72 gun programm has been shut down. but noone told the computers to stop making these wepons of mass destruction. Geeza72 factory.
ok, you could have edited your last thread. i see your trying really hard to post your maps. since there was confusion about what exactly a map pack is. i assume you'll post individually, which is fine, better than nothing
these look like cheap zombie maps but are well interlocked and mabey fun Edit ~ sorry thought this was 1 map lol
Great you wasted my time typing on the other thread... The maps are good all of them, no lie... Perfect interlocking. I saw a few flaws, but not many. The maps are brilliant, and you took your time to make a pack which is alright...
looks good. But in my opinion armories kind of ruin the gameplay. This is only my opinion and it has nothing against you it just that the idea of a lot of powerful weapons in one spot i think is kind of dumb.
alright now you got it it look pretty good actually which is not wut you expect from someone posting without pics. good job
im not really surre, what to play on it, but i see some nice interlcoking. It's one of your first posts, so its not too bad, youll only get better