this is just a post that hold a link to the geeza72 headquaters. geeza72 headquaters: Solo's Phantoms | will let get closed kind off don't want it.
OK man that is nice but you really need to add pictures and a lot more information. Read the first link in my sig to find out how to correctly post your map plz.
when i said to make a map pack for your maps. this isn't what i meant. you must embed pics for every map, and leave a download link to everymap, on this page, you have 24 hrs to fix this or your map will be closed. go here for help on everything forgehub related. and please. i just said it. i don't want to hear any posts about how there's no pics. we all know. your not some genious
your suposed to add one pic or two of evry map give a brief discription of each and then post it so if oyur going to then you have 24 hours to do so (atleast oyur not that one dude who got banned within 10 minutes of joining)
I wish the moderators could get together and make something like a video for new people to forgehub.... I can't even remember how many new forghubians i've seen completely mess up there posts.
People don't tell him to add pics... Clearly he does not know how, or mabye he does, but at least tell him what to do? First start an account on Save the pictures you wish to add on to a folder. Upload them to Photobucket. There should be an IMG link, copy it. Paste it here and you got pictures. Once you have done this send me a visitor message, and I will edit this post into a review...