I have been working on a forge map on foundry for the past week and I just finished it. I tested it once and even though i placed respawn areas in good places and set them up right, people still spawned in the wrong places. If someone could help me out right away that would be great.
You need starting spawn points, and always put a lot of respawns. It helps to avoid the horror of 'spawning outside the map' problem.
they didnt spawn outside the map or anything like that, its just things like i have the flag home spawn for the defenders set and the attackers still spawn there. It would just be easier if someone who is good with spawns to come and help me fix them
did you set it so its the defenders spawning point, not just neutral. ps i'll help you place them, send a FR gt stin10
yes every spawn area is set to either defenders or attackers and is in the right spot, i just dont see how its doing it