House of Ghosts

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JB47, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. JB47

    JB47 Ancient
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    Ok, so this is the first map that I have ever forged (And first time posting, hope it works). Just thought I would share it and see what kind of feedback it gets.

    It's built mainly for slayer games and could easily support up to 8 people. It is partially symmetrical; each side has a base, some towers, other high points, and random cover. It contains a slew of weapons. Battle rifles and carbines are everywhere. Each side has a sniper, shotgun, brute shot, hammer, needler, ghost, and other little guns. In the middle is a rocket launcher, camo/oversheild, and warthog(gauss). There are plenty of grenade types and equipment to be found.

    The map seems big, but distances are shortened by 4 man cannons and teleporters from each base to a neutral location across the map (Its a little tight for the warthog, but a good driver can make it work). Grav lifts will take you to bridges with turrets suspended from every claw. There is an upper room in the middle with a rocket launcher. To get there you must climb one of two towers and jump onto a ramp leading to the door.

    I think this describes it fairly well, so now to the pics.

    left side base

    right side base

    middle ground

    middle ground(from left side)

    claw/right side base

    right side base/middle ground

    teleporter receiver in back
  2. Grunt Juice

    Grunt Juice Ancient
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    That looks really good
  3. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
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    How is it a HOUSE of ghosts? I like how you used those cranes for platforms, personally I hate them and they get in the way. There should be a sniper on the platform with the ghost and and turret.
  4. JB47

    JB47 Ancient
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    I just liked the name... The mancannon leading up to the platform has a sniper at it.
  5. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    9/10 This is a really well thought out map, I respect the faact that you took the time to interlock objects.
  6. Samus 117

    Samus 117 Ancient
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    Dude, this map looks sweet! cant wait to try it out. Good work!
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Looks cool,DL'n it.
  8. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    So...? If your map title does not apply to your map then why name it something that its not? There is no house, which does not make it a "House of Ghosts" and looks to me like it could be more of a graveyard with the space you left empty. Some structures you have built are nice, but the placement of the vehicles cancels it out. I'm sorry but this map does not meet my expectations for Foundry. Good efforts though.
  9. JB47

    JB47 Ancient
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    Sorry I didn't realize that I needed an actual house built to use the word in my name. I was more referring to the whole map/warehouse that is Foundry as the house. In my mind, if I was going to put vehicles on the map I needed some open space for them to roam, but maybe not? Its my first map though, and I appreciate the criticism. Hopefully it will come in useful the next time I build a map.

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