This is my first post on forgehub i hope you like it I Shall Make A V2 Including - Overshield/Active Camo - Remove Sniper - Remove Top Halve Of Shop - Neaten Up - May Replace Ghost With Another Warthog/Gauss Warthog This is my map The Pumps it is inspired by the halo 2 map Turf i always loved the style of gameplay you got off Turf so i though to try and use that in my map. The Pumps main feature is the petrol/gas station in the middle complete with shop. There is also a street to drive vehicals on. The Gametypes are Slayer Team Slayer CTF Oddball KOTH Terratories Weapons Include Assault Rifle x2 Battle Rifle x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Carbine x3 Shotgun x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Rocket Laucher x1 Plasma Grenades x6 Frag Grenades x8 Firebomb Grenades x2 Regenarator x2 Power Drain x1 Bubble Sheild x1 Trip Mine x1 Warthog Ghost Mongoose x2 So on to the screenshots. This is the petrol/gas pumps which do explode when shot The street Ghost spawn Shotgun spawns here Battle Rifle Tower Outpost and warthog Rocket spawns behind shop Action Shots Link For Download : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
1SSTTT PPPOSSSSSSSTTTTTT!!!! looks pretty good, but a little open in parts, like in the middle. Good map with good forging tho 4/5
This map looks pretty good, but it could benefit from some geo-merging. Grenades can go under the overturned double-boxes, so thats pretty much the only flaw. Looks like a fun vehicle-based map. Good job! 4/5.
I have to say that this map looks pretty fine Its simple because it doesn't have much interlocking but its that that makes the beauty of the map. There is plenty of stuff going on in the map and plenty of cover too. I'm glad you added action shots too as this helps show what gameplay is like - a 4/5 for you
Very nice map! love the pump idea and i love the gameplay. not much interlocking though. you could add some.
I love the theme of the gas station. However, the whole exploding gimmick is kind of a throwback to normal games. I think if you removed half of the fusion coils from the map, overall it would look a tad bit neater. For gameplay, I'll have to look around in Forge myself, so I'll get back to you after I play it.
It looks good for your first map, however it would be fairly easy to jump out of with a grenade jump. You should make the outer wall higher. ZOMG nemihara downloads a map?