This map has many differnt details to it. A key feature is it is almost all floating and everything is a smooth ride. Also incase you fall off, a teleporter is there to put you back towards the top. The track itself can be quite challenging for people but with practice its easy. Youtube Video Screenshot Download Silver Ice Here J M Henn
This looks pretty cool from the one picture. But I highly suggest adding pictures and also you should take Avalanche off your thread name. The thread name should be only the map's name.
ok this wouldhave to be the best of all your maps so far. its bigger and more to do. but still not alot.
heeeze, your busy today, huh? i like your maps, i tihnk they might be too thin, but they all seem fun.
you basically released like 16 maps in one day thats great i really like this one looks like a lot of fun 5/5
this map lookspretty good from the one picture that you have. Is that a (CRANE) holding a warthog? if so, that is pertty creative. 4/5
nice video and nice map! i like how it is smooth and nice. perfect floating techniques and perfect fun. 5/5
great video on youtube dude. This has to be one of the best race maps i have seen on avalanche. Im not even just saying that. The mancannons were placed just right and the gameplay looks just great and would be very competive. The track is pretty narrow though, but that probably just adds to the fun. And by the way great first map. Its a lot better than a lot of people's first maps. Hope you make more maps! Download all the way! 10/10
yes that is a crane holdin the hog. and im sorry about the pics guys i thought a video would really help but i guess it does not do so much