But this is my, what, 6th post? I think that's still introduction territory. Hello to all. I am yapperface, and while I've seen all of the Forgehub Video Tutorials, I'm still not that great with forge. I dream of making my own Foundry CTF map...... But I have time to burn and want to learn! So hi, hows it going, hey there, and please check out my map! (It's in the sig.)
Don't worry, I made a intro post at like 300 or something. So yeah, hi, you aren't breaking any rules.
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU gl forgeing
I never made on either. It doesn't really matter when you make one or if you do. Just have fun on the forums and post or review some maps. Have a nice time.