heh ive been looking at this site for a while but..... i havent posted much ( like 5 posts or something) so id just like to say whats up :happy:
welcome to our community. not much going on here. i know youve posted a bit butmake sure you knowall the rules b4 you post anything especially a map thread. if you have any troubles just give me a message. takeit easy and good luck forging.
Hey welcome. You're kinda like me. I was on this site for like 3 weeks before I actually started posting. But it's really fun to post and stuff and talk to people so I'd recommend it. You might wanna look at the rules though. And the FAQs. PM me if you have any questions. Welcome to ForgeHub.
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU