Hello im new here and my user name is laggyshaggy =] My gamertag is laggyshaggy44 and i make maps. My friend boydy introduced to me forgehub so here i am =]
Alright laggy! You finally got forgehub i told you to get it agess ago! =] Well i hope you enjoy and make sure you post some of your great maps!
Ah Boydy, what can't he do wrong... Anyway welcome to Forgehub. It's good you make maps because, well, it's what we do best here. We do have all different sorts of forums for you to take part in though so enjoy your stay! Oh and by the way, I strongly suggest you read the rules first or you will get infractions (warnings). Here you are...
Welcome to ForgeHub! Glad to see that you're a part of this wonderfull community and I hope to see some Feature maps from you!
Feature maps? That's a bit of an ask for a brand spanking new member... Still it would be nice to see the evolution of how you makes maps.
kool well welcome to fh hope you like the community my gamer tag's are br0wniekilly0u (o's are zeros) BROWNIEkillYOU