Background I have been playing Conquest for a good while and I finally made a Conquest map. Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (yes this gametype isnt mine its Furious D's) Desription The map is two identical halves. They are seperated by a giant fence wall. There is the center terrirtory that is up to wall heights To get up there you walk into the "ladder" which is the stairs that launch you up by man cannons 6-16 players Spawn/ First Territory Sniper at Spawn Second Territory Third Territory "Ladder"/ Reciever to Teleporter from First Pic Center Territory _____________________________________________ Each Side Weapons Sniper x1 Spiker x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Pistol x2 SMG x2 BR x1 Brute Shot x1 Carbine x1 Spike Grenades x9 Frag Grenade x3 Neutral Mauler x1 _____________________________________________ Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Alot of maps from you, at the moment, but is this a remake? Because I'd like some refference pictures. The ladder is awesome, too bad we can't go on it, though, that would be great for new map ideas, and it would be a great add-on. Your Interlocking is great and your ability to use the Scenery to create different kind of objects, or bases, etc. Is amazing! Like the Fence Wall, sticking out of the main wall, to create a roof for the Window Pannels, I've ner though of doing that, because the Window Pannels aren't really as tall as like, Double Boxes. Great Forging, can't wait for your next map.
nice ladder, and you made a pretty good one i guess. this seems fun enough and the gameplay is very good.
Can i have an overview? Im finding it very difficult to get an overall picture of the map. Even a drwaing on MS paint if its enclosed and would be too much of a pain.
cool beans but this looks kina of bland like theres not too much to do...maybe more pics and ill change my mind? but from what i saw the map looked cool.
The concept from this map looks good but from the pictures, I can't realy work out the layout of the map. It seems like play would be good on this though. If you add some action shots, I'll be intreged to look further into this.
I really can't tell by the images in the original post, so is the diagram you drew a bird's eye view or of the map going vertical?