So your saying a kid who hasn't hit puberty yet can put the right kind of tic around his genetalia and then grow pubes? That's genius.
it sucks when you get bitten by anything, but are they only in the states, because i live in Canada and have no idea what a tick is.
ha ha u gave me negative rep, and it only was grey rep, ha ha ha ha, anyways, who would want to put a tic there anyways, what if it bit you, just imagine scratching down there all day
You guys should look at, THIS, and THIS. Luckily, I never got bit by an Tic, I hate bugs, they make me feel fat.
You are really lucky because my friend got lime disease from a tick but luckily he is in pretty good health... And I have had a tick in a much worse spot... Yes if you are a perv you guessed right...
i hate tics, just like everybody (And animal) in the world. its great that they die easily with soap though.