Hello there my fellow forgehubbers!! This is my 4th post on forgehub and I hope you like it!! I am about to show you a map that me and my friend Da Pig 117 made. Predator V2, Its a map on ghost town and it is quite fun with 4+ people. I would recommend 4-10 players as I was playing it with my 2 friends and all of a sudden 7 other people popped out of nowhere. The gametype: 25% of the party will be infected so watch out!! The humans have SMG's and Shotguns, Yes there is an armoury but if you camp there no weapons are going to spawn except Frag grenades. So run n hide before the predator(s) Get you! Yes there is FX on but only 2, Juicy, spawns after 90 sec and gloomy spawns after 180 sec. This map is quite fun but Me and the pig did supply you with hiding spots. Find, run n hide!! Feed back would be great for me and Da Pig 117, His username is Da Pig. I hope you like the map!! Comment, Download and Rate! Yay Pics! Armoury Geo merging and interlocking by me. The Mongoose Geo merging by Da Pig More Geo merging by Da Pig Scenery Human Spawn Point Predator Spawn Point. NOTE: If there is more than 1 predator He will spawn somewhere else on the map, not with the Humans. Hiding Spot by me!! Geo merging by me!! Geo merging by Da Pig!! Barricade Bridge. (My Idea, Created by Da Pig) Download Map:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Game Variant:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing If you like the map Then please Give +Rep for me and Da Pig. Link to Da Pigs Profile:ForgeHub Halo Forums - View Profile: Da Pig
i love your maps da hitman!!!! the geo-merging is really good on this map! ii have never seen a good ghost town map before, but this one is very good. the interlocking is neat too! 5/5
looks cool. I like all the geomerging. Maybe you could add a little it on the zombie traits. 4/5 BTW, I have a map that i think you could really help on, what's your GT? (or you can just send me a FR. My GT is spartan11777777).
I think that it’s an interesting map with good use of interlocking and geomerging, keep up the good work!
Nice job! I'll send out some invites and play this to see how it runs! Great geo-merging and everything! I have recently fallen in love with predator and I think this map will be great for it! Excellent job!
I remember having an alien vs. predator variant in halo 2. The merging looks great and a lot seems to have been changed from the original ghost town.
wow this could be my first Dl for a map thats on ghost town. i personally dont like it but this changes everything. the geo-merging is amazing. everything is neat and clean, it looks like a whole new map.the geo-merging is the best and i gave it a 5/5.
Hey dude this looks a real good map . . i like maps on Ghost Town it just seems a good map but no one really sees it i dont think lol If you want some more ideas for ghost town check out mine and my mates map . . hope you like it (http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/24945-testsite.html) I give 4/5 for your map tho mate . . very nice=]
the geomerging and interlocking are amazing great job looks like you put a lot of time and effort into this.
i feel like there is one map of predator that is so poorly built and i am happy to see one made by a true forger 5/5 amazing geomerging
I'm glad you like it! It was a pain merging some of the stuff, some spots are almost impossible to merge in. Great work with your merging, Hitman! It looks very clean. I will also rate this 5 stars! ps: I made a v3, I'll post it soon if I won't add anything.
Cool map. It gave a completely new feel and changed the gameplay and strategy to the map completely. I love the surplus of geo-merging.
How did you merge those items into that hole thingy? I am trying to make a map on Ghost Town and I just can't figure it out...
I've seen one map with Geo-Merging on Ghost Town, but this blows it away. Great work! The only thing I don't like is the armoury, but it doesn't have much. 5/5