I purchase games to enjoy the fun. Achievements are just little things that you can boast about yourself, for example, you might have killed two people with one Laser shot while all by yourself on Lone Wolves. The only reason I would attempt to get Achievements is to receive different armor, so that I don't get bored with what I have on.
I always buy them for fun, I don't really care about Achievements, theyre fun to get but they don't do anything to the game.
I buy the games I want to keep and have fun with and I rent the games that I just want achievements for.
Well my friend said that then when DRiSCOLL and i go up his house he makes us get achievements for him .. Especially DRiSCOLL .. He has 7000 odd now because of us ..
mmm i buy them for pleasure but i end up getting allot of the achievements, or i enjoy the game so much i feel 1000 will fly buy but i just play halo online or forge mostly but to be honest an achievemnt or two wouldn't hurt
There are alot, I mean alot, of my firends that buy cheap games for the achievements like any crappy film games etc.
Yeah DRiSCOLL buys games for pleasure then gets nearly 1000 on the game .. He never buys bad games just for achievements .. The games he doesn't like he doesn't have many achievement points on =]