
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by YankeeChamp II, Aug 8, 2008.


Symetry rating (1=worst 5=best)

  1. 1-not even symetrical

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2-its basically symetrical

    2 vote(s)
  3. 3-it was half symetrical

    1 vote(s)
  4. 4-it was mostly symetrical

    2 vote(s)
  5. 5-It was PERFECT!!!

    0 vote(s)
  1. YankeeChamp II

    YankeeChamp II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Symetrinity is my first competitive slayer map. It is made for any slayer gametype and is best with 4-8 people on it at once. This map is basically a close quarters combat map although it does have a higher point for a person to snipe from. In the middle of the map there are 2 bridges, eachh of the bridges has a weapon on it. The first bridge has a sword on it and the top one has rockets on it. I've always made maps that were symetrical... If they werent symetrical it would kind of bug me, so i made this map.

    >> Screen Shots <<​

    The sniper walkway is reached by a teleporter in the box on the bottom

    In this screenshot there are 2 bridges with weapons on them. The lower bridge is the sword and the upper one is a rocket Launcher.

    The Stairway to get to the sword bridge.

    This mancannon will take you to the rocket launcher bridge, be careful though, you might overshoot the bridge.

    This screenshot shows one of the 2 bases. The one on the other side is exactly the same.

    This is one of the 2 ghosts of the maps, the other gjost is on the other side of the wall. also, behind the ghost is an empty area where you could have ghost battles.

    This is an overview of the map.

    >>Action Screenshots<<
    Here are some screenshots of me owning my my friends..(And my dad =))

    Owning my dad with a shotgun

    Splatterd my friend with the ghost!

    About to kill (or get killed by) my dad on a turret.

    Please tell me what you think of the map.
    I would like to know what you think so i can make it better and more fun to play​
  2. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, and symmetrical. Maybe the rocket and the sword are to close, but i guess ill have to play this first. You got my dl. How many players does it support?

    PS Welcome to forgehub!
    #2 firewolf34, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  3. AlexDaParrot

    AlexDaParrot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good. I seem to think you have too many high power weapons with not enough cover. I mean you have so many power weapons and then the turrets and the 2 ghosts look a lil much I understand this is your first competitive slayer map but a good rule of thumb I like to use is think of how many people MAX will be playing the map at one time and then give maybe 1/3 or 1/4th of them power weapons.

    Another note (Sorry this just bothers me :p) This is one of the 2 ghosts of the maps, the other gjost is on the other side of the wall.
    You spelled ghosts with a j h and j are close so prob just a typo ^_^.

    In the end, needs more cover, interlocking, and balance.

    -Welcome ^_^
    #3 AlexDaParrot, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
  4. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a good post well done on that but the map is quite open i would add more cover and also i would enclose the area around it but it is a nice map neither the less
  5. YankeeChamp II

    YankeeChamp II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So i should add more cover... would destructible cover be good or like more dbl boxes and stuff be good?

    I played this map with 4 ppl but i think 6 or 8 would still work.
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks a bit sloppy, but from here, your tallent can only get better
    keep forging and you will soon be able to make anything you want :)
    just make sure to spend the time needed
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap. That is awesome. I wish my dad was cool enough to play a video game with me.

    As for your map, I don't wanna be too harsh, but it'll turn up like that anyways. It's basic, to say the least. Yes, you've interlocked those bridges over there, but the overall design is fairly reminiscent of the default Foundry. The one redeeming factor is that you have a good knowledge of item placement overall. Put a sword in the middle, keep weapons from being clumped up, etc.
  8. YankeeChamp II

    YankeeChamp II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    k ill try to neaten it up a bit
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's not the neatness. It's something that can't be fixed simply by adding objects. What you'd have to do is completely redesign the map, but then it wouldn't even be the same map anymore.
  10. YankeeChamp II

    YankeeChamp II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My foundry forge maps tend to come out resembling the original somehow.... maybe i will try something totally different. thanks for the feed back =)
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome. BTW, I'm not kidding. The fact that your dad plays Halo with you is ****ING AWESOME.
  12. YankeeChamp II

    YankeeChamp II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol...hes not the greatest but its funny watching him play
  13. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Considering that you’re slightly new to Forgehub you will notice that most maps that are poster here are not maps that are made to share with your friends once or twice. The maps on Forgehub have to be able to be played around 10 times with any old stranger... Sorry if that makes no sense...
  14. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
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    I agree with a couple of the others . . YOUR DAD ROCKS ! lol but seriously you got the hole interlocking thing going on but why not use it to do some more creative stuff . . spend a few days on a map . . Get a nice packed out map. The bridges are nicely morphed tho . . i give 3/5 =] have a nice day =]
  15. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    This map is not close quarters this looks like a map for shotty snipes. This map is not the best map.2/5
  16. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i love competitive maps, but this is one is just plain bad. i will list everything:
    1. not much cover
    2. no interlocking
    3. too many weps
    4. seems sloppy
  17. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You cannot make a symmetrical Foundry map using the whole Foundry.

    The reason for it being as the two sides are not equal.

    Check it out, they really aren't.
  18. Pacman Wizard

    Pacman Wizard Ancient
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    Looks very good but with shotguns and shield doors I don't know how they will mix. Maybe if there wasn't any spawns in there, (if there is), the shotgun wouldn't be so good in that situation.
  19. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    See, neatness isnt something that can be added or taken away from a design so simple. I have seen maps with moveable objects thrown everywhere that clutters it up and makes it a mess. Yours is so basic neatness is something that must be built into the map. I understand the simplicity is to allow the ghosts to roam free without much in the way of hinderance, but like nemi said, its difficult to change something like that.

    My reccomendation would be to look at more maps around here. The sources of inspiration are limitless.

    just as a last idea, i would reccommend moving the rocket somewhere else. When two weapons are that close, what ends up happening is everyone instantly rushes to the middle and one team is going to end up with both power weapons. Think guardian - the shotgun, camo, sniper, and overhsield are all spread out, so that half a team goes for this, half for this, etc. Now, what if all that was piled in the middle of guardian? it would be an absolute mess, and one team would have the last person left who would get all the power weapons.

    Spreading the weapons but keeping them about the same distance from each team (think the Pit) prevents one team from getting everything AND prevents the huge battle that would be retarded and unfair.
  20. bam3214

    bam3214 Ancient
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    it looks very plain and open. It looks like you still should have some money left, if not, delete some of those dumpsters and make some more structures with boxes. But its still a descent map. 3/5

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