[youtube]Cfuyu3MfkJ4[/youtube] Link to video-http://youtube.com/watch?v=Cfuyu3MfkJ4 This map took around took 3 hours to make and 2 of those hours were making the automatic ball return The link to download this is on the actual video which that link is below the video Map made by Agamer93 and help of Spaz38 for the respawn points(you will understand if you go to forge)
I created a map very much like this, same thing Bowling and has the Grav lift ball return. Big difference is the gate and I used two fusion coils instead of one. Example on top of the other.
Yes, but they would not force the balls to return, and you wouldnt be able to reset the pins. I like this concept a lot! -Donuts
you should post in the Mini-game forge maps section. Very nice concept, I especially like the ball-returner
I downloaded a bowling game similar to this a month ago. It is not the exact same one. The one i downloaded also had gutters and a slightly better ball return system. It was made by a guy called Stretchbooster. I'm surprised folks here haven't seen it yet.
Yes, I'm not the one to "down" a map but I have seen one with the gutters and I like it alot. The thing I like about this one is there is alot of space to the left and right for the ball to go. This makes the third bowling map I have seen. This is number 2.
Hey thats a really good idea and it works really well. I might just download that to have some fun I like minigames One day im going to come up with a minigame....