
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Deepblue, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. Deepblue

    Deepblue Ancient
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    So last night I was tinkering around in foundry and tried to make an elevator with man cannons, a single open box, and a tube created out of fence walls/double walls. Unfortunately it was not to be as the single box is a permanent map object and starting a new round would leave it frozen in the tube. The ideal solution is the single open container, however, that is not available on foundry and rats nest does not have the walls as part of the available items. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might tackle this problem in foundry?
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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  3. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    Let me see for foudry you can try to create a elevator by placing 4 grav lifts or man cannon's in a perfect rectagular shape. So then you place a create at the bottom it goes up goes to the side, goes down and goes to the side, and back up. So it goes in a continous rectugular and you would have walls so it doesnt go out fo place. You can test this theory, but idk if it will work.

    -> I
    \ /

    / \
    I <-
  4. Deepblue

    Deepblue Ancient
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    Well the fact that he got it working is encouraging, but nowhere in that thread is a good description of how... My alternate solution to having a working elevator is to just have the cab stopped between levels, as I have two stairwells already in place.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I know that this is Halo and not real life, but is there something wrong with walking?! Sheesh, kids these days, with they're fancy TV remotes and automatic flushing toilets. When I was your age, I had to move my hand three inches to flush off the toilet!
    Have you actually tested this cab stopping thing? Seems difficult to implement, meh. In Rat's Nest, you could replace walls with double open boxes.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Check out my Hotel Zanzibar(in forage discussion) it has this idea going and will have a working and i first posted the topic it was elevators... btw you don't need to use 4 grav lifts... i will soon post my elevator... and there is alot of suggestions on my topic about this..
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    This trick might work, but you can only have 1 elevator on the map. Have one grav lift pointing up and one pointing down. Crate in between. Set minimum to 1 and the one pointing up to not spawn at start and 180 sec respawn. have a way to destroy the top grav lift from the bottom floor and the bottom grav lift from the top floow. Figuring out how to do that is up to you.
  8. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    Rats nest may not have wall, but it does have bridges. Just use bridges for the elevator shaft

    [hehe i said shaft]
  9. Mojo

    Mojo Ancient
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    Another idea is to have a elevator shaft with one grav lift on the bottom and a couple fusion coils in the corners. set the grav lift to respawn for 10 or 20 seconds and when you want to go down shoot the coils or toss a nade. The crate will fall down and then you jump on and wait. Simple.
  10. Jack xw

    Jack xw Ancient
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    Who needs elevators when you have two way nodes?

    Jk. I'm going to try this out in forge once i get my xbox back. I'll report back if it works.
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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  12. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    Place 4 dumpsters in a square
    Place an open double box vertical ontop of the square and delete the dumpsters so it floats at that height
    Place a mancannon inside the box on the lip so the stream is pointed up and towards the far wall. This makes you propel into the wall and up, guiding you straight up and out. To get down, just jump down the hole in the center away from the mancannon.
  13. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    [] v__
    ~ H
    | |
    | |
    | |

    ^ and v are the up and down gravity lifts
    [] is the fusion coil(s)
    ~ is the pallet
    H is the box/ crate/ some type of platform to stand on
    |(s) are the walls
    _(s) are the ceilings or floors.

    Basically the idea is if you shoot the fusion coil it blows up the top grav lift, allowing you to go up, and if you shoot the pallet below the fusion coil it falls and destroys the bottom grav lift, allowing you to go down.

    Hope this helps
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    GUYS... there is so much eazyer way to do this......

    l_l (make a 3 wall shaft... put a crate in the shaft and set it to re spawn every 10 seconds... and then save cahnge it so it doesn start and place a grav lift in the same spot for 20 ... also not at start... change the crate back to spawn at start... and then you have the up part done... its higher than a grenade jump also...on the back side of the shaft have a fusion coil ... and then have one spawn in 45 seconds... when it falls the coil falls it kills the grav lift bringing its box down... BAM working elevator... there is a bit more to do after you have this down..but its all on my map... and its really a good add to map play so far...every one has loved it...
  15. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    To have a middle floor, couldn't you use custom powerups as a blockade on the middle floor, then all you have to do to make it go up again is walk into the powerup :)
  16. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    You could make the elevator out of something like a crate box or a pallet? Maybe?
  17. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    This might have been said before, but what i did that worked was :

    l_l [] l

    Basicly it's just a tower-like thing with a wall at the bottom missing so you can get in...the H is a box at the bottom ( i know, it looks higher but i couldnt show it at the bottom) the [] is actually 2 fusion coils with spike grenades next to it so you can throw a spike at the instant respawn fusion coils. the explosion will go through the wall and destroy the grav lift, letting the crate down so you can get onto it. you just wait 5-10 seconds and the grav lift will respawn,lifting the crate you're on so you can go to up top. (to get back down there's a small space you cant fall through, but big enought to throw a frag grenade provided next to the hole. the hole goes to the fusion coils.) Hope this helps! (you might want to use interlocking to help)
  18. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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