POLLS CLOSED!! (The Pentagon) Is the official name!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jjbrich, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    I am truly sorry for the previous map title, I usually have my brother make my more complicated posts due to the fact that hes good at text coding and what not.
    I asked him to do it and told him what all to say, and jokingly said "its called bomb the pentagon jackass!" When i had already told him simply put "The Pentagon."
    Again I do apologize for the previous title, and to all it offended.

    Okay so I'm just letting the lot of you all know that I'm almost completely done making this "The Pentagon" map along with a neutral assault game-play to go with it.

    Attackers start out on the outside (naturally) and must infiltrate the pentagon with their bomb, the only way in is through the roof (the defenders cannot leave the building but CAN fire at the attacking team through the front.) Anyway like I was saying, the only way in is through a small hole in the roof, from there you must carry the bomb across the inside of the pentagon to the basement, once in the basement you must maneuver through the basement and plant the bomb.

    Thats just the basic concept... There are allot of goodies in the map =)

    The reason I've made this topic post is to announce the release of this amazing map, I've searched for probably 3 hours total just to make sure no one's used this idea (and they haven't).

    The second reason I've made this topic post is to ask the public what they think should be added or changed. I think its a good quality to have the publics ideal opinion on something that they would potentially download and play.

    So any ideas you guys have, anything at all, don't be shy. Let me hear it!

    So look for "THE PENTAGON" here within the next week or so!
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    You're going to have Homeland Security swarming this site.
  3. TheBEAST205

    TheBEAST205 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    Yea, you might wanna change the name, buddy.

    It might be a fun game, but I'm sure our government frowns on the fact that it's called "Bomb the Pentagon." Ever heard of the kid that got arrested for making a map in Quake (I think?) of his school? Imagine that, but about 10x worse...
  4. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I vote to take this down for obvious reasons...if anyone else feels this way and say so, and it will be taken down
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I think it's inappropriate, but relatively harmless. Still, I'd rather be safe and take this down. Don't take this as an offense or anything, jjbrich, but it's like making a VIP gametype called "Kill The President!" or a infection type called "Lynch the Negroes!". You might freak out a lot of people.
  6. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I'm sorry, but I find the title very offensive and disrespectful to the USA. What, are you eight years old?
    I vote for this to be removed.
  7. Nerf

    Nerf Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I think it's fine.

    Are all of you offended by Counter Strike because it one of the teams are Terrorists?
    The map on Quake is much different because the kid actually attended the school. Now if you were a worker in the Pentagon...
    And I HAVE seen things like "Kill the President"

    People take video games much too seriously.
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    The only thing I can say is that some people take real life politics too unseriously. But I refuse to argue because I will not let this thread degrade into a common politics forum.
  9. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I agree with Nerf. "ZOMG bomb the pentagon he must be a muslim terrorist who bombed the world the world trade center" [/racist, sarcastac, redneck] Honestly people. It's just halo. Big freaking deal
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    This topic is stupid. It's only here to get attention and downloads. You want to create controversy over the map before it's even released so that more people reply to the thread. That's the only reason to give it a name like that.

    I'm boycotting this map when it is released, and I urge the community to do the same.

    By the way, I'll be releasing a map soon and it's called, Announcing Your Map Before It Is Done Is Stupid. Look for it in the forums.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    The map maker is an unsuspecting user who does not deserve to be berated by such a rant, Furious D. Don't start assuming that he has some master conspiracy or whatnot to get a lot of downloads.
    But I do think announcing maps before you completely finish is ridiculous. It's not the same as Bungie announcing Halo 3. No one cares.
    Anyways, it wouldn't have mattered to me if you named it something else anyways. I have a super-tight download restriction, and will only download maps I feel are remotely good. It's not my...oh, what's the phrase? It's not my cup of tea to be playing a match where half the players have to camp and wait for the enemy to come.
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    You're right. My apologies to the member that wanted to bomb the Pentagon.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    Hmm. Yes, how amusing.
    This banter is tiresome. Would you just remove this already?
  14. Soviet Skibum

    Soviet Skibum Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I vote to remove along with everybody else who loves freedom. If you don't love freedom, you're a terroist!

    Pretty sure that thing where the kid made a map of his school was in Counter Strike.

  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    How remarkably narrow minded. The post here, not the map. He can post the map in the maps section.
    Now that I've been drawn into a political discussion, prepare for a short rant.

    These forums are pan-political. By that, I mean that many different people with different ideas come to this site. By removing this topic, it pisses off less people than it would if we left it open. Not because there are more conservatives than liberals, but because in the situation where a post like this occurred, a conservative-type would probably fire back in the same fashion as this, and will likely receive a liberal argument as well. Thus, a larger and broader conflict, which ends up with people hating each other. Logically, the choice is the one with the least amount of angered users.

    So, remove. Or rename. Because if there's this much conflict on these boards, imagine on Bnet.
  16. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I vote take it down, he just wants people to talk about the name and keep his map bumped. If that's not the case, he can change the name before you take it down.
  17. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I'm going to slap the **** out of you with a fish.

  18. Citizyn Raven

    Citizyn Raven Ancient

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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    People. Please. Freedom is Freedom of expression. The first amedmant. For you ultra-pro war republicans, you should care about the bill of rights. If he wants to call his map bomb the pentagon, let him. Hell, I once played the 'Assassinate JFK' gametype. Who cares? If you take this topic down, then all you have accomplished is showing that you don't care about the ideals and values of America, like the patriot act. Besides, It's only HALO. Do you get offeneded while playing CoD4 becuase there are terrorists? "ZOMG CoD4 is teh win!!11"[/sarcasm] I vote we leave this thread up, just to remind us that freedom of speech is more important then some people's beliefs about what is and what is not offensive
  19. Reap3r 13

    Reap3r 13 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    I vote to take it down. I agree with raven about the whole freedom of speech but making a game out of something that devastated the United States is just wrong. And I know for a fact that whoever made Assasinate JFK never lived during his term because if they did they wouldn't have made that game.

    P.S I'm only 15 so I didn't live during JFK's term either but I understand that he was an outstanding president.
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Re: Bomb the Pentagon!

    You're right, freedom of speech is very important for a democracy. But Forge Hub is not a democracy. If he has some kind of political or social commentary to make, he is free to say it, just not here. But I'm pretty sure that isn't the case. This is an example of someone trying to create controversy to get attention.

    He is free to call his map whatever he wants, and I am free to ignore it if I think it is stupid.

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