Jungle Gym Version 2 Discription: If you liked the first Jungle Gym then your going to Love this one, This obstacle corse is mainly based on your jumping skillz and if you can figure out these problems. It takes around 5-15 minutes to Complete one lap, at the end of each lap there is a destanation point which will score you 1 point. Made by: KingSharpShoota Map Variant: Jungle Gym V2 Game Variant: Gym Rules (VIP) Walk Through: JGV2 Walk Through Original Jungle Gym The First Jump Step Up Fall 'n' Shoot Poop Jump Slide Jump Lip Jump SplaterSpree 2 Overall View Map Variant: Jungle Gym V2 Game Variant: Gym Rules (VIP) Walk Through: JGV2 Walk Through Original Jungle Gym
looks like a very well done map i missed the v1 but im sure its great great interlocking try to not give away how to complete map in the pics
It looks pretty straight forward but you probably need some serious hops to get through. The warthog splatter thing was pretty random though. =P
this looks like a cool jumping map if you want to check out a few more jumping maps try these(made by Sarge525) http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/11985-jump-course-map-pack.html
Wow. Looks like he has put alot of work into it, and the result is orgasmic. A very well done obstacle course, definately worth the DL, this is like THE OBSTACLE COURSE to have on your hard drive. The interlocking and forge techniques used have been done to perfection, beautiful. amazing work. The way that space has been used is genius. The structure/layout of the map is very well thought out. Great map buddy, well done. There are ALOT more obstacles than those that are pictured! the ones pictured are just teasers.
hay teh master thanks for the post that the best post so far have you finshed the map yet coz its very long
cool idea its like a jumping challenge thing i like your take on it and wtf is with the splattering thing lol
For any of the people who have been finding it hard to finsh my map the is a walk through video of how you can get through the level.the walk through is listed under JMV2 walk throu
It's fun but you should really have a better checkpoint system. I got to the jump after the equipment jump and failed there. Then I had to start all over again. There really is no point in doing the same ones over and over again ya know.