Trigonal Created by DimmestBread *This map is created for the lazy mapmaker contest, So it contains no interlocking or geo-merging. Do not comment about the lack of interlocking.* Download Trigonal Here Supported Gametypes: Flag Bomb King of the hill VIP Team Slayer Territories Map Description Trigonal is a map created for the second lazy mapmakers contest. I've seen circular maps and box maps but I have never seen a box map with a triangular structure so I set to work, and came out with trigonal. There is a pathway that goes from base to base so the flag and bomb spawns in the area with the barriers but you have to return the flag and arm the bomb at your actual base so it is much harder and won't be as easy. I have placed fusion coils strategically so the power points on the map aren't neary as powerful as they would normally be. You must be very weary of what you do and where your team is because it is very easy to sneak up behind and flank you. Weapons/Grenades/Equipment: x6 Battle Rifle 10 sec respawn 2 spare clips x2 Covenent Carbines 10 sec respawn 2 spare clips x2 needler 60 sec respawn 2 spare clips x2 Plasma Rifle 45 sec respawn x1 Rocker Launcher 150 sec respawn 1 spare clip x2 Sniper Rifle 150 sec respawn 2 spare clips x2 Mauler 90 sec respawn 0 spare clips x2 Assault Rifle 10 sec respawn 2 spare clips x2 Brute Spiker 30 sec respawn 2 spare clips x4 Plasma Grenade 20 sec respawn x4 Frag Grenade 20 sec respawn x2 Tripmine 60 sec respawn x1 Power Drainer 120 sec respawn ___________________________________________ An overview of the middle Another overview of the middle One of the bases Central structure Raised platforms Side base view View down the side one of the side passes One pass through the middle _________________________________________________ Thanks to everyone who tested and is going to download my map. Please post comments so I can know what to change. Enjoy! This is Tex speaking here: This map is not supposed to have interlocking, any comments considered spam, and say, "Needs interlocking pl0x," will receive an infraction.
why is there no interlocking? jk, jk, jk. i never tested this with you for some reason(when i left the party today it was because my sister turned my xbox off), but i did see you forging it. looks like a really good map for no interlocking, i am excited to play it. the triangle shape is original.(i make a circle, you make a triangle, jk)
yeah my friends wouldn't join for some reason. Haha your sister turned your xbox off. well I will play it with you eventually and also, why didn't you come to drop ins?
wow looks fantastic aesthetically pleasing and looks like great game play i think you have a legit shot for lmc2 gl
I've made a triangular map before, but it was very small and not that competitive. You've done a great job with this map for having used no interlocking, and despite it being a "lazy mapmaker" contest it seems like you still put a good amount of work into it- I like the structure very much and your weapon placement is good. 9/10 (If only you made a nice, smooth, enhanced geomerged and interlocked version, then I'd give you that last point =P)
lookin at the map i say...g0d d4mn it. I'm posting in lazy mapmakers too, but im afraid yours could top mine in some category. it has a cool layout, and god gameplay. hopefully, mines better ; ) good job, nice map.
neither of my parents parents were home... and i didn't feel like it. yeah my sister was really annoying today, she kept hiding the cookies. but yeah i hope we play it soon
this map looks great one of the better "lazy" maps and i am sure it will play well everything is square and neat the layout is well thought out definatley a contender for the title nice work
This person has been a bit silly and not only didn't read the original post, but also posted a reply that could be classed as spam. Spoiler That's Very Good Just Need's more Interlocking.
I really hope that the second part of your post is a joke, right? Take a look at the top in red letters.
For an lazy map, I think this has some potential, maybe make another which isn't 'lazy'. The map looks pretty good but this isn't totaly 'lazy' there are floating objects, so isn't that an advanced Forging technique? Anyways, the map kind of looks like it has alot of MLG style in it, I don't 'understand' the Fusion Coils up on those Double Boxes, and I think 3 stairs is to much, for Competitive, it's just sorta to big for Competitive, but it doesn't ruin the map, so yeah. The scenery looks like you used alot of scenery, small ones too, and the weapons list looks like this map has pretty decent weapon placement, and the weapon placement aswell as the scenery placement looks well thought out, though I think adding like, 1 more Equipment object would make this map more awesome. So, try making a 'unlazy' remake of this, with Interlocking, and maybe Geo Merging. That's all what I got to say. Kthxbai.
I will try to but I am limited on budget. I only have 1$ left. Also, the fusion coils are to make it so the top isn't to powerful.
I think you sould interlock some of the objects, it will make the map look bet - Oh... Its a good map for no interlocking, then again i personally think that great maps dont need interlocking. I love the triangle structure, no one has done that yet. Its a very nice map. Mmmmmmmmm, idk, ill give you a 4/5.
wow looks good, but i would love to see an image of the middle, cause i can't get an idea of your map
OMG UR SUCH A FORGENUB!!! use interlocking or geomerging. just because of that im giving the map 1/5!!!
are you serious? i hope u are joking. this kid definitely can use interlocking and geomerging, but the is contest held by tex where those are not allowed to prove that maps can be great without interlock. please at least read the post before commenting.
It can have anything as long as you don't have interlocking and geo merging. I finished the map and had the gameplay how I wanted so I went on to scenery. To sp3cop5grunt, Try reading the post next time. It's for a contest.
I am impressed this map has no glitches but still is good to look at high five to you and there isn't much cover 84/100
Yeah i thought it would be a problem to but the triangular structure gives a lot and how it zigzags gives you places to hide and various corners help as well.