I was reading the forge 101 on using KOTH to keep people inside the map and I got to thinking. What about a gametype, where you have 5 minutes to knock as many people outside the Hill as possible while trying to stay inside yourself. -1 point for each second outside the hill. +1 point for each second inside the hill. Increased movement speed Invulnerable 4x overshields No weapons on map Gravity Hammers first weapon No second weapon 5 minute time limit No point limit Absolute carnage. To make it even better you could add a bonus or penalty for dying or killing or make every player invisible so everyone runs around swinging at nothing hoping to hit somebody. I think it would be pretty fun and I'm sure from this you guys could think of some other interesting things. Depending on what people think, I may try this.
sounds pretty interesting... I think increase the speed only slightly, or just keep it normal. Also low grav perhaps to increase the effectiveness of the grav hammers. Finally, perhaps you can strategically position man cannons or grav lifts that people can aim to knock opponents into.
If they are invulnerable, then remove the overshield. Just put no shields so everyone looks normal. You could make an arena, and at the four directions (North, South, etc.) you could set a Grav Lift pointed outwards, so if you get to close it pushes you out. Speed should be high to make it harder to control... atleast 200%. Grav should definitely be at 50%. This sounds alot like sumo, but on foot. Sounds good.
knew i was forgetting something... it will definitely be at 50% gravity. It will probably be the weekend before I start on this because the little time I get to play this week (stupid exams) I am testing a map I made on The Pit.
I really like this idea and am going to make something. I plan on incorporating teleporters hovering in the air, kind of scattered around a central arena. If you get hammered into the teleporter you go to a jail mounted high on the wall. Hari Kari is the only way out of jail. I use the jail in a lot of my maps to discourage getting out of the play area, when I can. I set the suicide penalty to -2 so getting out of the play area really hurts your team's score. I like this Fallout idea, though. Kudos.
STUPID QUESTION ALERT Doesn't invulnerability make overshields irrelevant? Or would overshields be there for the appearance?
Thats what AZN was saying, that if they are invulnerable there really is no point to overshields, unless zandu likes the way theat they look.
I made a map similar to this on guardian, but I put way too much stuff in it, like powerups, and I didn't make everyone invulnerable like you said. Sounds good if you can keep the action from getting to fast paced, that was the problem with mine, every 2.5 seconds you were dead, or flying across the map. I think the increased speed might pose a problem, and you may want to drop the gravity so that the hammers have a better effect.
Alright, yeah I'm going to remove the overshields. I was going to put them in out of habit because that's what I always do for some reason, but theres really no point. About people making maps and stuff for it, go for it! Leave the gametype to me and I am also going to make a basic map and maybe something a little more complicated.. and if you don't mind give me credit for the gametype - but by all means make whatever you want for the gametype. I'm surprised I got this kind of feedback, I always thought this sort of thing would have been thought of many times, but I guess not. Thanks guys
Well, on an EGM magazine predating H3, they were talking about a gametype Bungie made for them that was basically the same thing as this.
I guess the reason i hadn't thought of it is because i am honestly pretty bad at thinking of game types, i'm better at actually making the maps.
You could build a tower with the hill on it, when you fall you are pushed away by man cannons and have walls around that...
Probably Foundry atleast for the basic map but it would definitely be very possible for things like Valhalla or Last Resort... Imagine smacking someone who's in the lead halfway across Valhalla and causing the loss of all their points :O
If you guys can't think of gametypes and just want to make maps, how bout making maps for standard gametypes? Like this one. If this becomes a very good flexible gametype then suggest it in the FH Standard Gametypes thread in the Competitive maps section... very few people know that exists... Here's the link: FH Standard Gametypes
I have the gametype made. I will upload it as soon as I can -- which won't be tonight because I have an exam in the morning. I'll make a post or a reply here with the gametype after exam tomorrow.
Sounds relatively fun, although the concept is a simple one if you make a great map to go with it I can guarantee that it will be a success.
better yet... k wait this is a KOTH right?.. ok so this should all be dun on a floating platform.. with a square shape kOTH to fit the size of the platform possible overlapping may be involved..and then just keep the spawning players in a conceiled place where they must teleport into the platform ... i suggest valhalla.. platformm where ever u want.. and teams start in... o snap wiat a problem... no teams.. hmm -.- cuz if tehre were teams ur guna have alot of team mates wackin eachother off.. but that dusnt matter n e ways teams start in the bases which all exists should be blocke off.. and a teleporter under the platform so that ppl can just get back on... GREAT IDEA sounds like loads of fun lol