This map is one of the best Infection maps I have made. You start in the Church. go into the basement and hide, or go outside and run. And you start with a pistol, so get guns, and fast! Weapon List :: 2xBR 2xSMG 2xShotgun 1xSniper Rifle Download Map :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Proof :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pics : Overview Inside Grave/Zombie Spawn Inside Church/Human Spawn Under Church Sniper Spawn Local Houses/Outside Map M for MLG Ninja I will be making a V2!
It looks pretty nice, but I think that it needs some stuff. For example. The church looks pretty bleak. I would put up a cross or some aesthetics. Also, I would explain why there are weapons all around the church lol. I'm being kind of harsh because this map is already pretty good. I would just suggest that you interlock some stuff a little better next time. 4/5
i swear i played a map just like this last night. almost the exact smae thing. but its not. did you steal this or somthing? EDIT wait this is that map. in that case. this map is crazy good. expect to get featured. trust me its good. you have to DL to see it. edit: i think you did steal it. because you conveinitly had a proof video ready. and your last account got banned. i wonder why.
No, Download the proof. It shows that I made it. So if you don't believe me, download it! Also, Humans have low jumping skills. But the zombies can jump normaly, to get out of the graves. But if they get out, they get no kills
haha cool but i think you should omit the fact that its m for MLG NINJA, that banned person, dont you think ELITE SNIPER, new member? BOOM<--------your spot (i blew up your spot) last time i checked creating new accounts to get around permabans is bad right?
Awesome map, I think this is something new, a graveyard, zombies come out of Boxes, and humans spawn in a Church, that must give the gameplay another 'dimension' it should be pretty scary, too bad there are no FX's on the Heroic Map Pack, too make it some darker. How was the gameplay? Was it scary? Can't wait to play this, it would be funny to just get Assasinated by some Zombie, waiting underground for some Human Brains... I really like te idea of this map, but it looks escapeable, or does everybody has low Gravity? Still, awesome how you've put some houses outside of the GraveYard, that's what makes this map so good and new and stuff, this looks like something I would see in a movie, or some Zombie game, or some other creepy game. Do you have any other outside aesthetics? The houses look pretty simple though, I still like them. Gotta try, DL. Kthxbai.
Can you give a list of traits that the zombies have? The idea of the map is really great. I like how the zombies come out of the graves by breaking the pallets. Although it needs a better description of the gametype I'll download and give it a shot.
omg what a noob! i played that map and own it since like june... ur a nub. forge hub dosent look kindly at poeple who steal other poeple's maps
if you made this map (which you claim you did, and i believe you...for now) its pretty cool. i like a lot of the dieas, some say theyve played it before, i particularly havent, so even though you may not have taken the map, its still an unoriginal idea, if others recall playing something just like it. And god, what is forge hub coming to, when you need to post your map with proof.
hmm looks nice, but i thoguht you were elite sniper, not MLG Ninja. oh well, it looks fun, but i don't think some of the reviews are 100% accurate... might DL
i think you expect noone to DL the proof. but i will just to make sure. and why exactly was your previous account banned. i wonder. maybe for stealing maps. but we shall see
i already reported this just incase anyone was going to bother i believe it results in another permaban
Even his avatar is copied! It's just blazeisgod with dyed hair! Lolz. Anyway, i actually remember on playing a map very similar, if not the same map as this. I'm guessing somebody here is a little creeper.