The Main Concept Every map on Halo 3 has two physical barriers that contain players: The first is simply an invisible wall (either solid or gravitational) that can be passed in forge using teleporters, spawn points, and vehicle turrets. However, the second barrier on Halo 3 maps is much harder to get out of. Most gamers refer to this barrier as the "death barrier" or "death wall". This wall instantly kills/resets almost anyone/anything that touches it during a game. In forge, getting past the death barrier and surviving is nearly impossible (as far as I know...). The only surefire way to get past a death barrier is by using both the forge and the theater. Instructions for Multiplayer Maps: Method One - This method works for most maps (e.g. Last Resort, Snowbound, Construct, Valhalla, Standoff, Sandtrap, Narrows and High Ground) as long as there is a decent amount of space between the invisible wall and the death barrier (enough for you to walk around in without touching either edge). 1.) Steps in Forge: The first thing that you need to do once the game has started, is to get past the first barrier (the invisible wall). You can achieve this many different ways, but I prefer using teleporters because they are both efficient and reliable (done by pushing a receiver node outside the invisible wall, then building a sender node and teleporting yourself out). Once you are outside the first barrier, simply commit suicide or run into the death wall. After you have died, wait a few seconds and end the game. Important: This is much harder to do if there is more than one person in the party. This is because you need to have all of the players in the game dead simultaneously at one part of the process. 2.) Steps in Theater: Begin watching the film of the game you just played in forge. When the film starts, change into the third-person view following your character by pressing down on the right joystick. When you have reached the part of the film in which your character goes outside of the map, pause the film (press "a"), and change your viewing mode to free-look (press "y"). Then resume the game (press "a" again) and wait until your character either commits suicide or is killed by the guardians (try not to move during this time). Next pause the game again right after your player is killed (while he is still waiting to respawn). Important: When your player respawns, you will be sent back into the map. So do NOT resume the game once you are outside the death barrier. If you have done everything correctly, you should be able to fly right through the death barrier and out of the map. Method Two - The best way to get out of maps where the invisible wall and the death barrier are very close to each other (e.g. The Pit, Epitaph and Guardian) is by using this second method. This step usually takes several attempts until it works correctly so be patient with it. 1.) Steps in Forge: While in forge, turn into a monitor and fly your character around the outermost edges of the map. Once you have flown around the entire map, commit suicide. Then wait a few seconds until your character respawns and then end the game. 2.) Steps in Theater: When the film starts playing, switch your camera view to third-person by pressing down on the right analog stick. Once your character begins making his way around the outermost boundaries of the map, pause the film. This is where it gets tricky. First, with your camera still in third-person mode, zoom your camera as far out as you can and then rotate the camera so that you are looking at your character from outside of the map. Next detach the camera by pressing "y" (test to see if you are outside the map by moving about a foot outward). If you are sent back inside the map after pressing "y", just switch back into third-person view and try it again from a different angle. If you think you are outside the invisible barrier, resume the game (Don't move!). Wait until your character has died and then pause the game again. Once your character is dead and the game is paused, You should be able to fly the rest of the way out of the map. It is very important that you remain still until your character has died because if you accidentally fly into the death barrier while your character is still alive, you will be knocked back inside the map by the death barrier. Screenshots taken from outside death barriers: (Click on pictures to enlarge them) All of Last Resort [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] UNSC Aegis Fate Frigate FFG-307 (located above Sandtrap) [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Underneath Construct [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Guardian from above [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] The upper canopy of the trees on Guardian [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Very, very high above Valhalla [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] All of Epitaph [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Base of Epitaph [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Pelicans outside of the Pit [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Outside of the Pit (above the hangar) [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Snowbound from front [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Snowbound from back [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Snowbound's Moons [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] All of Isolation [IMG width=480 height=270][/img] Obviously, there is no forge for the campaign maps in halo 3. But there are still a few other ways to get out of campaign maps using the theater. Instructions for Campaign Maps: Method One – This is essentially the same as the second method for multiplayer maps. Don't forget though that there are many areas outside of maps where it won't allow you to change into free view from third person view while watching a film in the theater. So odds are this method will take a couple of tries before it works. 1.) Steps in Campaign: All you need to do here is walk or drive your character around the outermost edges of the map. These “outermost edges†usually consist of an invisible barrier that push your character back when you walk or drive into them (I call them gravitational barriers). You don't need to go around the whole map, but it might be a good idea to try out a few different spots. Then you will have more areas to work with when you go into the theater. Once you are finished moving around the edges of the map, commit suicide. Next wait a few seconds until your character respawns and end the game. 2.) Steps in Theater: When you begin watching the film, switch your camera view to third-person by pressing down on the right analog stick. At a part of the film in which your character is touching (or at least very close to) the invisible barrier, pause the film. Just like the second method for multiplayer maps, zoom your camera out as far as you can and then rotate the camera so that you are looking in at your character from outside of the map. Detach the camera into free-look mode by pressing "y". If you are sent back inside the map after pressing "y", just switch back into third-person view and try it again from a different angle or a different position. If you think you are outside the invisible barrier, resume the game. Wait until the point in the film where your character dies and then pause the game. Once your character is dead and the game is paused, you should be able to fly the rest of the way out of the map. Method Two - Method two can only be done on a few campaign maps. Nevertheless, it is still a very reliable technique, that if used correctly, works almost every time. It can only be done on campaign maps that have an active phantom or pelican, which flies out of the map at some point during the game. 1.) Steps in Campaign: Start the game. Next, find an active Pelican or Phantom (one that is hovering or dropping off troops). Then kill yourself or allow yourself to be killed as quickly as possible (before the drop ship takes off and flies away). From there you can simply end the game and go into the theater. 2.) Steps in Theater: Once you have started the film of the game you just played, fast-forward to the part where you first encounter the Phantom or Pelican. At this point, pause the film and change your camera mode to free-look by pressing "y". Then fly your camera up above the drop ship. Position yourself against the invisible barrier at the spot where the Pelican or Phantom is about to exit. If you aren't sure where the drop ship is going to exit, resume the film until you can tell which direction it is moving. Then pause the film again and reposition yourself accordingly. Once you are positive that you are in the direct path of the drop ship, resume the film and the drop ship should push your camera right through the invisible barrier. Once the drop ship goes through you and continues on it's path, pause the game and get ready to explore. Zoom_1x Zoom_2x [IMG width=240 height=135][/img][IMG width=240 height=135][/img] Zoom_4x Zoom_10x [IMG width=240 height=135][/img][IMG width=240 height=135][/img] Personal Note: The easiest way to learn this technique is by having someone teach it to you first-hand. I tried to describe each of the steps for each method as clearly as possible, but the reality is that this method is much easier to understand if you actually see it done, rather than simply reading a guide on how to do it. If these methods still aren't working for you, feel free to send me a message and I will be happy to show you how to do it on whichever map you are trying to get out of. Please let me know if you have any questions, corrections, or comments concerning this thread. Thanks -Rj
Sure, if you want a larger version of any of the pictures, just click on that screenshot. I'll try to get some more up later on.
thanks so much I was wondering how some of the people on got those crazy panoramas from outside maps. now I know. I think I can feel some new backgrounds coming to my desktop....
Thanks! BTW, someone did this on Epitaph and found out that the Forerunners must have loved rock music. So, go try it. Me, I'm too busy, but this is always fun, eh?
I looked all over Epitaph, but never found anything that had to do with rock music... Did he say where it was exactly?
Looks like this technique can allow us to get some really beautiful screenshots. Thanks for the tutorial.
I thought this was very obvious, but I am glad you posted it. Those pictures are amazing btw, I might make one my desktop
I just have a question: I cannot get my teleporters to stay put! They either come back, or disappear. I was trying for a while on standoff, but the only way I could do it was by having a second controller. Question: If I did use two controllers, and had one guy outside the map standing in the teleporter, could I then quit one controller out of the map and continue? From the description it seems like I can, I just need to have everyone dead so the camera doesn't reattach. Well, I'll try this again tomorrow with that approach.
I don't believe you know what exactly he is saying. You can't get past the death barrier in Forge. You need to USE forge in order to get past the death barrier in THEATRE.