This is one of my first maps I have made for the competitive category. This map is best for 2v2 or 1v1. Download Here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Includes: Smg x2 Battle Rifle x2 Mauler x4 Brute Shot x1 Carbine x1 Bubble Shield x1 Radar Jammer x1 Plasmas and Nades x6 (I Believe) Energy Sword x1 Overshields x1 Custom power up x1 Features: Trap Door Teleporter Interlocking Geo-Merging Weapon Balance For Use With: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Trial Slayer Pics: Over View Stair Platform Entrance to Tunnel Inside Inside 2 Have Fun!!! Download Here: For Use With: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Trial Slayer
the pics started working for me and I think it looks awesome! it looks like it would be a good FFA & team map.
This looks pretty new, and it has some potential, but I think you should Interlock more and mybe Geo Merging, if nesccecery. From now on the map looks pretty good, but it looks a bit mazelike aswell. I don't think that would be really good for Competitive, it looks like it's more a Casual or Infection map.
good job fixing the pics, welcome to forgehub. the looks pretty good, i like the layout, but it could use some more interlocking(helps prevent lost grenades). and if boxes are not going to be walked on, just used as walls, it makes the map look cleaner if you make the bottom facing players. anyways, good job!
Yes! You got it right and may I say, very good job on the map. I love the sword placement, and the fact that it has two levels that are sort of cramped. The only thing i could suggest is that you make the outer walls higher, as a grenade jump out of the map could be possible.
I think this is a good map but it looks really sloppy. Some of the walls arn't even strait. If you want my download then you need to mke a V2 that looks more asthetically pleasing
Looks pretty fun, but it looks easy to escape from. A grenade jump can get over a lot of the top walls. Perhaps you can fix that in a v2?
The overall layout of what I saw from the pictures looks like a really good competitve map, along with the great interlocking in some areas, although some parts need better interlocking.
As some people have previously stated, grenade jumps will get you out of the map. Also I don't think that there is that much interlocking in the map and it looks a bit out of line in places from what I can see, not sure about anyone else. 3/5 for your effort.
Before i begin, let me say welcome to forge hub. Anyways, first thing i noticed, the absolute first thing i looked for in the first picture was interlocking and neatness. I saw the stairs interlocked, but then i saw the walls. i dont understand how those stairs were interlocked beautifully but how the walls were that crooked. Did a friend interlock those stairs for you? If you did that, consistency is one of the most important aspects of forging, and its one that shouldnt have to be important. You should do it automatically. Making one part epic and one part sloppy guarantees your map will get about 5 downloads. As for the layout, i found it incredibly hard to get an overall view of the map in my head. Your pics showed me secluded parts of the map and i couldnt say in my head "oh, here is the 'A' sign, so this picture must be next to the part with the..." and so on. I noticed very low walls (VERY easy to escape. Even by accident. This should be fixed) and a very low base, so taking some shots from up high should not be a problem. I reccommend just rebuilding the map, but make sure everything is perfectly straight, aligned, and interlocked. I just cannot take this map for what it should be due to the gap between a well forged map and a poorly made map. I saw so many problems and messy walls and such that trying to fix it would just create more problems. Read all the forging 101s and use them. They are the greatest tool anyone can offer you.