anyone here play it, its a really awsome game, i have I,II,IV,V,VI,XII,R:Wings,Tactics a2 there are all awsome games to me, III was retarded though, so i gave it away, but the DS IV is asome, but whyed tella die WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tactics Advanced for the GBA. One of the deepest games I've ever played. Only stopped because I lost the cartridge
I never liked those games because all the male characters look like women and every one has a sword as large or larger than their bodies. Oh and Turnbase/point loss health systems are filled with fail. I respect barbie adventure more than most of the final fantasy series. The first final fantasy was supposed to be THE {{{{FINAL}}} FANTASY GAME!!!!!! and the have made like 15 others for god knows why. In all Im not a fan of that horrible series of games.
It's clear that you've never played them and just follow the stereotypes laid down by haters of the series. Nice try, though. The first post seems awfully ignorant and annoying, but yes, I play the games. They are quite fun, but the more recent ones have really lost the quality that older ones had. My favorite one was Final Fantasy Tactics, for anyone concerned.
I want to play them... Are the remakes any good? Because I've never played any Final Fantasy games, and, at this point, I doubt that I could find any of the classics.
the final fantasy games are pretty famous and i can see why.The story lines are very creative and original. Myself Ive only got Crisis which is Final fantasy 7 on my psp, To be honest i couldn't get enough of it. The storyline kept me guessing and i bought it just to play in the airport but since Ive got home i still play it. The combat is good but i don't like the "activating combat mode" screen, i feel it just wastes time. But in all its a great game and im looking forward in seeing what everyone else about the others because buying more sounds like a smart idea.
I've always been a Final Fantasy fanatic. First FF I played was FF2 for Super Nintendo. I never had my own Super Nintendo so I always went over my friends house to play it. PlayStation eventually came out and ff7 came out as well. My father bought the PlayStation for my younger brother and I bought ff7 thinking cool I can play it! Nope, in order for me to use the PlayStation my brother had to do wrestling moves on me or else he would not let me play. He was little then and didn't hurt so meh.
I've played Tactics Advanced for the GBA as well. Not as good as the older ones that I used to play though. But all the Final Fantasy games are awesome!
I had an easy time going through the game, but I can't beat the final boss. That instant kill attack is just brutal.