Well, I was inspired to do this by my first sig attempt, after just having downloaded GIMP successfully. Here's how it turned out: Game's simple. You post the first sig that you ever made. Go
One of the first pics we got of Halo 3. I've not be doing graphics that long really. Seems like a long time though.
This one is the closest I have got for my first signature... I have just started making signatures recently so I am really not experienced yet.
The first sig I've ever made was for the SOTW 8 competition. It sucked so bad that no one even voted for it. =(
I saw that when the voting was going on for last week. It's not that bad, it's just really....different. Yours was one of the only ones that were loading for me, most weren't for some reason. This week they all loaded in less than a second...