Desert Glory V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Commander Knox, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Commander Knox

    Commander Knox Ancient
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    Desert Glory V2

    Your Traped in a Small Town in the Middle east Surrounded by Terrorist.
    The Navy Seals have contacted you and told you that in 7 minutes all hope of being rescued is gone... So its Now or Never...

    You must Bring the Radio Transmiter (bomb) to the Extraction point. The only problem is it takes 30 seconds for the signal to go threw. so you'll have to work together and hold off the terrorist. once the signal is threw the Seals can rescue you and you can go home to you children and pass on the story about how you escaped the terrorist. But if the terriorist keep you away from Extract for 7 minutes the Seals fall into a trap and die, leaving you traped in the desert for who knows how long...The Terrorist have the homefeild advantage so its going to be tuff. but i know you can do it!

    This is the Middle Building this features 3 floors and 4 rooms there are 1 shotgun 1 sniper 1 tripmine and 1 regenerator there are 3 balconys 1 on the 3rd floor and 2 on the 2nd.

    This is the 2nd floor in the middle building with a terrorist planting a mine

    This is a Rocky MountainSide wich blocks the extraction point with two Ledges and 1 cave/tunnel. dont worry its not to hard to get around

    This is a View from the top balcony in the middle building twords the Hostage Building, it seems placed perfectly to Snipe any escaping Hostages

    This is a Side view of the Hostage building wich features 3 floors 6 rooms and 5 exits.(Great for upclose combat) it contains multiple weapons such as hammer, sniper, and sword. it has O-S to.[​IMG]

    a front view of the hostage building [​IMG]

    This is a Car garage in the back right corner of the town

    The basement of the Hostage Building ( I Removed the FusionPacs)

    one of the two basement exits in the HostageBill'd

    The Hostage Room [​IMG]

    and last but not least the Extraction point

    #1 Commander Knox, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  2. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    This looks liek a great map but, I don't see any interlocking in it. I don't think that interlocking is needed to make a map great but some people do. But the map looks greta even without interlocking, so this is a dl from me.
  3. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    he haz teh interlocks

    nice map, i cant wait to play it with a full party!!

  4. Commander Knox

    Commander Knox Ancient
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    Yea there interlocking its mostly in the Hostage building and the middle building also theres a blown up building between the hostage building and the car garage (No pic of Blown up building) its pritty interlocked
  5. Puddinpwner

    Puddinpwner Ancient
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    Looks great 3/5 i been wanting for some one to make a town style map , it could have more weapons though.
  6. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i think its a legit idea for a map and i like it
    if you only have a couple of things interlocked you could consider doing to the lazy map makers contest 2
    good job bro
  7. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    The two main buildings are pretty good. The inclusion of different rooms, levels, and balconies makes them fun to walk through.

    The map is really very open though, if you ever do something like this again you should probably use the budget glitch so that you have enough money to make large buildings and have cover around those buildings. Or if you don't like using the budget glitch you could make the map smaller, like only use half of Foundry.

    And just tossing this out there, adding a catwalk that connects to the top of the two buildings, so that you can walk from one to the other, might be kind of interesting.

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