Halo 3 Cloning in Campaign and Matchmaking - Teaser Vid

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by buddhacrane, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Your friendly Buddha here!

    I finally got a DVD recorder and can make film clips! W00t! So I thought about what my first vid could be.

    Well, most of you may not know this, but I was actually the guy who discovered how to create clones in Halo 3 (You know the one where you have the damage resistance at 10%, get hit by the soccer ball and rip off a turret), yep, that was me! Most of you probably just know the Hold X to Trick youtube video, well all they did is take the info from a forum post I made about the glitch on another website.

    Well now I can make my own video!

    Since I discovered the glitch I actually know how it all works. There are some falsehoods created by the Hold X to Trick youtube video because they never consulted me to get their facts straight. You DON'T need damage resistance at 10%, it just makes things easier. you DON'T need a soccer ball surrounded by shield doors to instigate the glitch and you DON'T need the Heroic Map Pack. You can also create these clones in Campaign and Matchmaking.

    So create a video of Clones in Campaign and Matchmaking is exactly what I'm gonna do!

    So far I just have the teaser vid, as proof that this can be done. I already have all the clips filmed and will be releasing the full vid sometime soon.

    Teaser Vid Link Here!!!
  2. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    I was looking at your file share, trying to do all those impossible freeking mazes, then I saw cloning in campaign so I was all like wtf? I clicked the video and watched it, pretty nifty trick :)
  3. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah that was the only previous publicity I gave the cloning trick. I actually placed that clip on my fileshare before Hold X to Trick had even released their youtube cloning vid. So I was doing campaign cloning before they even knew you could clone at all!

    This video, when finished, will be more interesting than that fileshare clip and will also explain how it's done in better detail.
  4. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    I pretty much figured it out from the clip.
  5. KB

    KB Ancient
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    NICE!! So is the vid on your file share? I really want to find out to mess with my friends...
  6. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    It would be awesome, making some clones in Matchmaking! Lol, the other team would be like, WTF!
    Probably, if Bungie finds out, they're gonna fix it.
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The problem with cloning in matchmaking is that only host can see the clones.

    In the clip I have for the video though the sniper on their team was host and he tried to snipe my clone! 'Twas hilarious. When I invited him to get the clip from him he accused me of modding :lol:

    Cloning in matchmaking has no benefit to you though since it's tricky to setup, only host can see it, and you have to kill yourself to create the clone. It's just for entertainment purposes.
  8. TiiRent

    TiiRent Ancient
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    Its still cool, and you are very smart.

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