On my Bungie profile - its Melee. But in almost every game I play now, it's the Battle Rifle. Got to be becuae it's so accurate, quick (if shooting at the head in succession like I do) and there's loads of ammo for it around the map.
Yeah, BR is by far the most well-round weapon, Four Shots to head BAM, dead. Grenade at the feet then Headshot, BAM dead. Spray and pray a full clip, BAM! pwned...
Well most of my kills are melees but i like using BRs and snipers =] I beat down a lot because the AR is pretty crap from afar and i can never find BRs ..
BR because it's a good all round weapon. it beats an AR at any decent range, and at mid range is also a match for a sniper.
always will have a br with me, evan when theres 2 power weapons like a rocket launcher and laser, i will choose the laser and go off without the rockets because i have a br.
My battle rifle is my tool of destruction. It's good for long and medium range, and since I can get headshots pretty much every shot, it takes more damage. You can't take as much with the assault rifle because of the massive spray range. If you shoot at the head, half your bullets will miss, so it basically takes the same damage as the body.
Warthog turret.. becuase i have good aim and all i have to do is aim hold trigger aim hold trigger and with a good driver im able to dodge attacks.. Oh and good cover Drive bys r easy =p same for reg turrets too
^^NECROPOST >:| I use the BattleRifle the most More importantly. What the h4x? How did E93 fit so many options on the poll D:
Definitely BR. Assault Rifle sux. I wish Bungie made every game have BR start. *Just my opinion* And I agree with Mastar.....Wat the buck how id he do that?
I always take the sniper rifle if there is one, but my second choice/secondary weapon is of course the BR.
I laugh every time someone necros this thread, then gets the infraction. lol. Seeing as I made this thread 02-20-2008, maybe there were infinite poll options at the time... Because remember, it still wasn't vB when I made this thread. The switch was only in April.
My AR is the tool of destruction in most matchmaking because of when I used to use the AR all the time but for like the past 5 or 6 months it's definitely the BR.